There are many things I can definitely say are annoying in this game, and several moments that I would say are just straight up unfair or simply bullshit. There are also several problems I have with the game's PVP balance and the area, enemy—or even boss design of the game at certain points.

However on the other hand, there are simply too many things about this game that I find so amazing and enjoyable that I can't help myself but forgive it a little. So much of this game is brimming with detail, love, and attention that it would feel wrong for me to keep being so negative about it. I also can't deny that my first playthrough of this game was filled with such wondrous experiences and immersion that may even rival my first playthrough of Dark Souls 1.

Because of this, even with the numerous gripes I have with the game, I just can't rate it anything lower than a 5. I simply can't love it any less than I do.

I had a really good time playing this game. It was a really enjoyable journey that went on for way longer than I was expecting it to. As much fun as I had, however, I honestly felt pretty worn out during the last stretch of the game because of how long and tedious the final section gets.

Other than that, its a game with cool characters, a really interesting setting, really nice art & aesthetic, an amazing soundtrack, and a great story. Not to mention the game feels really damn satisfying to play once you finally understand what the hell you're actually doing.

This was my game before Elden Ring came out. I sunk easily 600 or so hours in this game, either going up to NG+30 or something with various weapons or just having fun with the multiplayer (before the servers went down).

There was just something about this game that I really loved. At first, I thought it was just because the combat felt much more fluid than Dark Souls I and II, but it must have been more than that. I loved the setting, the progression, the boss fights, and the music. Some people may say that a bunch of the callbacks to the previous games may feel cheap or fanservice-y, but I don't care. Seeing Anor Londo again or fighting the Soul of Cinder was incredibly satisfying and felt nostalgic, even though I had just played Dark Souls I for the first time not too long before Dark Souls III.

As much as I love Elden Ring, a bunch of my key memories with Soulsborne have been from this game. To me, Dark Souls III has some of the most iconic Fromsoftware fights, such as Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Sister Friede, Darkeater Midir, and—one of my favorite videogame bosses of all time—Slave Knight Gael.

I think Octopath Traveler 2 beats out the first in every single aspect. I don't think I've ever felt more invested in how a game's characters, music, and story all connect and build up until I played this game. I think the worst part about this game is that it ends, and I was left with post-game depression hard the morning after I had finally finished it. What an incredible game.

Also, I fight for my friends.

Everyone loves this game, and while I agree that its incredible and probably FromSoft's best game objectively, its hard for me to call it my favorite. It's good, but that's kinda all there is to it for me. Maybe it's because I prefer the build variety of the soulsborne games, despite the combat in Sekiro feeling much more crisp and engaging. I think I also just appreciate the worlds and map design in the other games more than in this one. Again, this game is definitely amazing and definitely worth playing, I just can't see myself replaying it or calling it my favorite.

Gachas suck.

Otherwise, this shit pretty fire.

This game made me obsessed with pirates for a while.

I have no idea why I had this game on my old Xbox 360 but it was way more fun than I was expecting as a coop shooter. I admittedly also spent way too much time back then making custom masks for my character.