It feels weird to talk about this game. On the one hand, I'm able to see it as the Indiana Jones styled rip off of tomb raider that so many people claim it to be. On the other hand, it's my favorite game of all time. I think if you see Uncharted 2 as nothing more than shallow cover to cover shooting with boring climbing sections and nothing in between, then I think you're missing the point of what a cinematic action adventure game to be. This game never existed to have complicated climbing or super in depth shooting. It tries nothing more than to entertain, and it does that fully for me. Its exciting, got some of the best character writing of any game, and is legitimately the best action movie of any video game ever made. I love it

Still have to finish 100%ing this game on PC but I liked it! I've been pretty critical of this game and for some reason only remembered elements I didn't like or staled, and those still suck, but on replay I really fucking like this game. The combat can get pretty repetitive, and the stealth missions are donkey ass, but at its core these people get spider-man enough for me to have a really fucking kick ass time. Most of my big gripes with this game are really small nitpicks that nag at me constantly, like how the traversal isn't what I'd like it to be (actually web swinging is somehow the slowest part out of moving through the city. Web zipping and point launching are way faster when it should be reversed. Web swinging is fast as fuck and the other two are ways to keep up a good swing. Instead its the opposite? Hate that), but even things that I think are actual room for improvement like how the first act is kinda pointless and a lot of the setpieces remove control for the sake of cool visuals that lose luster, really fall away once you're in this thing. Knowing the story and where it was going definitely helped my enjoyment but eh who cares. I just had fun enjoying the parts of this I like and skipping past the parts i know I dont and when you do that its a really fun game. The ending parts after the second to last boss fight are some of the best spider-man writing ive ever seen ever. Glad I replayed it and really excited for the sequel

God I fucking love videogames

To go a little bit further, I know that the first game is typically seen as the scarier game, this to me feels like the more horror based game ironically. Like, the first game is terrifying in atmosphere and tone and all that shit. But, this game is horrifying in terms of what happens and the lovecraftian aspects to me at least. It doesn't just go louder and have more action, but it's able to get more of a lasting effect out of every single drop. Introducing new enemies like the baby or the stalkers are unforgettable now. The game moves at break neck speed, sure, but that only makes it more effective when you are placed in a poorly lit, darkened room with the sounds of a creature lurking around the corner. The controls, the gameplay, the characters, the enemies, the story, the voice acting, theres just too much to love about this game to stop and worry about what was lost from the first one. Both 1 and 2 are masterpieces of horror for completely different reasons, but this will always be my preferred dead space experience

I played this a while back for the second time ever. Its a really good game but Im kinda surprised how much people talked about this game before the second one came out. Its kinda like mean girls I guess where all the stuff people talked about I knew before I played it. But unlike mean girls it still holds up. It is really short though

I was supposed to play through elden ring but got in a fugue state and played through this instead for some reason??? I don't know what happened but it was pretty good. I miss the days of these random 7th gen games with fun, barely responsive controls and one of the most passable stories of all time. It's just a fun romp where the most difficult thing about it, even on hard mode, was how the controls would soemtimes just break cause they were still figuring out this whole videogame thing. It's hard to be disappointed cause I didn't really expect much from it and it struck all the itches I was hoping it would. My only real legitimate complaint is that the movement and traversal really seemed to open the door for what could've been a unique and fun way of moving through the game, but ends up only really allowing you to do that in set areas. It ends up feeling more restrictive than I think it should have been (The whole jump into a wall and then jump again to climb up is the biggest example I can think of. Its just wasted potential to me). Other than that its just a solid good time :)