44 reviews liked by Pamfo

that wasn't some good ass tekken, that was BEAUTIFUL ASS TEKKEN

I fucking love real gaming

The feeling and adrenaline rush during matches especially when its close and goes down to the wire is just amazing and this is what fighting games are about.

The writing falls off a fucking cliff towards the end and its ambition becomes a double-edge sword but ooooo does it nail basically everything else right and is a crazy good blueprint for how the rest of the series goes. The individual stories are so captivating, the combat is probably some of the most fun I've had in the franchise, the content is very rich and plentiful, and a lot of the characters make such a strong impact and impression which is a crazy feat to pull off giving there's so much going on in the story.

It's the most Yakuza game out there for better and for worse, and is such a big reason for why I love the series as a whole.

We have Spyro at home.

Spyro at home:

I HATE this game. Its meh, but ill never forgive that its first achievement only gave 1G, thus making my gamerscore uneven and the only way to fix it was to get the last achievement and its like impossible

have cried while playing this more than any narrative game

Taking a star off just because you need to beat the game twice to see the true ending.