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Pangburn commented on Pangburn's list full stack of flapjacks 4
@Swiggle nope, the genesis version I played had infinite continues so I just chugged on through in about two or three hours (I've played it here and there since but I haven't done another full run). imo it's fair if you're willing to learn a few level gimmicks here and there, like these tongue platforms in level 3 (?) that extend and retract with some wonky collision. movement and jumps are fluid, and you have a solid amount of control over where your projectiles go. I also will say that I know the nes port of ghosts n goblins is known for being a bit of a hack job, so maybe you'd have a different reaction to the arcade original. ghouls on genesis was contracted to sega and they did a rather admirable job on the port, so I ended up going with that one because I was too lazy to set up mame. it may be worth you giving the arcade versions a try instead though. I would def say from what I've read (and what vee said above) ghouls is definitely easier to get into than the original gng.

6 days ago

Pangburn commented on Pangburn's list full stack of flapjacks 4
@Vee yeah there's a reason I skipped that one LOL I remember drigo's review for these and he was pretty clear that ghouls was a big upgrade. I'll def go back at some point but I'm not expecting much. and yeah, the big round of r4 gushing on here a few years back made me a huge contrarian for a bit, esp since I wasn't a big fan of the original RRs. glad I finally came back to it but I'm always gonna prefer the sega racers 😂

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