this review is specifically for the campaign, i didn’t play the multiplayer at all

Definitely one of the better fps games i’ve played, really liked the wall running and double jump abilities, controlling the titans was nice as well. enjoyed the story a good bit despite some pacing issues.

Proud to say I believed in this game from the very flarkin start.

What a huge improvement from Avengers. I cant wait to see what Eidos-Montréal does next, whether it be another Guardians game or perhaps another Marvel property.

Overall, really flarkin great game.

beautiful. a true work of art.

how the fuck do you make spidey's swinging THAT BAD?!?!?

even epic games made better spidey swinging, this is just a shame.

yknow i really cant tell if sonic colors is actually worse than i remember or if this is just a really mediocre remaster

at launch it wasn't... fantastic

but after numerous updates star wars battlefront 2 managed to become one of my favorite star wars games.

this is probably the dumbest game i’ve ever played

and that’s why i love it!

Finally, a fun modern Mario Party game.

unique concept, horrific presentation

fun for like 10 minutes but then gets extremely stale