Pretty cool to play something from Capcom's early days, seeing characters I recognize from Street Fighter make their first appearances or see their character designs used for the first time, like Hugo, Poison, Relento, Abigail
Beyond the novelty for Capcom fans, not much to it. It's really short. It's neat that you can play it inside of Street Fighter 6, which is what I did.

Shows its age, but as the first stylish character action game thing of it's kind? Pretty good! Has a good balance of difficulty that only rarely ever feels cheapened by archaic fixed camera angles that swap on you at random. The platforming is not very fun, but the combat is immediately satisfying, with some nice and hammy story in the background.

I'm a Sparda hater, Sparda sucks, you have no reason to use it over Alastor except for killing Plasmas. The extra range barely matters. It sucks not being able to use DT, charge your gun, or air hike. Come at me.

Worth it for both veterans wanting to revisit it all and newcomers who don't know what an Adventure Line™ is, it's a short game just like it used to be but it has a bit more stuff bookending it now which in my opinion blends really well with the themes and humor from back in the day.
You can see the Stanley Parable as deep and thought-provoking, or contrived nonsense, or both, and it's a good time whatever way you choose to play it.

Banger game. Gameplay and story isn't as tight as XC1 but that's alright, it's very different and that's fine. It's my favorite open world game by far and away and the characters are actually really really good.
Elma, Lin, Tatsu, and Cross are an actually amazing main cast that play off each other well and Cross is probably the best example of an avatar character I've seen, pulling weight and having agency in the story while not being some overly grand hero.
Elma is an intriguing protagonist as an extreme pragmatist and a mentor figure to Cross.
People often criticize Lin and Tatsu specifically for their played out jokes- but I feel the game would be way too dark without that levity, and I like that they're given a chance to be kids despite the bleak situation they live in. Tatsu is an entertaining subversion of Xenoblade 1's Riki to me and I genuinely think he's underappreciated as the moments he has that actually do carry emotional weight I think added a lot.

The philosophy of the game is legitimately really interesting and made me think a lot, my understanding of the story's world flipping on its head a few times. The music is amazing and unique, the combat is intensely deep and frenetic, some of the best sidequesting in any game, I love it all.

I can see this game not being for everyone, but for the people it does appeal to, they will love it. I'm in the waiting room for an X2 now like everyone else has been for the past 7 years, and it's going to continue being a painful wait.

Great, goofy game that is just a tad frustrating and very unbalanced once you figure out how broken the mechanics are

Some of the best the genre has to offer in its time, with amazing dialogue and gags of course. Though, it does have the rough around the edges early adventure game jank where you spend ages trying to figure out what to do and eventually need a guide.

Don't listen to the naysayers. If you have working joy-cons and a stable connection, use them. Activate co-op mode and use both joy-cons, ideally. Trust me, it's worth it.

This game is a masterpiece and the HD assets look fantastic, the music is vastly expanded, give this port a chance


my dad was obsessed with this game 6 years ago.

really good tutorial system that other series should take notes from

Best value for a collection, ever.

one of the best games of my childhood. still a fun sandbox in 2020

Genuinely good game but there isn't really much else for me to say about it. It makes you feel like Spider-Man and has fun, accessible mobility.