This game gets way too much crap by people who've never played adventure games in their lives. The story going balls to the walls insane is just expected for this genre.

Despite being a 10+ year old game, I still find this game so much fun and it has such good replay value.


Just... absolutely incredible.

A very beautiful game and a worthy sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky.

My favourite game of 2023. chef's kiss A lot of the themes in the story made me think of Dragon Age and how this game did those themes so much better.

If you want to play Hades, you should play that game instead tbh.

Holy hell, what a beautiful and tragic story. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was blown away!

This game is THE reason why I cry more easily at media now. It's amazing.

This is one of my favourite games of all time, no doubt about it. And people still calling it the game that "ruined Dragon Age" need to shut up.

EA needs to re-list this game on digital stores immediately. The single player campaign is still pretty decent and worth playing.

Definitely better than the second game.

I don't know why it took me so long to buy and play this game. It was absolutely amazing.