one of the best games I ever played, the gameplay is fun and hard making you stay on your toes all the time. The story even tho not really in your face is very rich and makes you wonder and make you want to learn more about the world. The bosses are fun but not easy and the world design and map design is fantastic

one of the best shooters I played and to story is very well written even tho the game is very linier the world is very well build and the setting is one to remember and no easy to forget
This was my fav game for a long time and still is one of my favs the gun play and the abilities are fun to use

This game is fun and hard and learning the game is like learning how to ride a rocket ship while being blindfolded while being locked in a box while running out of air while fighting monsters that look like you or are made out of poop

Badass witch using guns as her shoes and hair as her clothes to fight angelic beings in order to get her memorys back
This game is hard I recommand it and its fun