serious stuff got a little goofy

serious music starts this is serious sam time!

Can't hear you mom my testosterone level is too high
This is serious manner we are speaking
Aliens mom aliens!

dark souls but with bugs , fantastic

Gordon you goofy goober stop hitting everything with the crowbar!

could have been something good but color coded enemys are still a thing on pc and it was to edgy for its own good

Memes are the dna of the soul indeed
Game is a banger from the combat to the fantastic ost

Peaks of peaks , peak everything
you testosterone is rising by just starting the game

beginning of the best actions series in gaming in my opinion

4 stars for dmc 4!
as rushed as the development was still a fun and cool game worth every minute of it

a bit slower then the second game and the world not as interesting but still a fun game with cool concepts and fun guns

One of my favs shooters of all time, the world is fantastic
the guns in this game are creative and fun to use
the main antagonist is one of the best villains in gaming history and all the dlc's are worth and fun

This game is more linier then the previous title but its not a bad thing, I prefer this one of the first one since its easier to travel and explore the world while expanding the combat making it more fun while still remaining challenging even tho not all areas are treated with the same love or attention they are still good.The story is still fantastic and the boss designs are still top tier specially with the first 3 main bosses and the second to last boss