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1 day ago

TIYFP reviewed Postal III
Well. That was one of the worst games I've ever played.
Postal is a series I've always held in high regard, even despite its controversial reputation. But being a relatively new fan of the series, I was always confused on why there was no Postal 3 listed on Steam despite there being a Postal 4. I thought it was some kind of joke, like how Goat Simulator skipped 2 and went straight to Goat Simulator 3. But after getting involved with the Postal community a bit more, I learned that there was indeed a Postal 3... and not a very good one. Skip to October of last year and RWS announces that Postal 3 would make its grand return to Steam with some fixes. So I bought it and eventually played it.
Postal 3 is a complete mess of broken mechanics, terrible writing, mind-numbing gameplay and enough bugs and glitches in it to make you want to punch a hole through your monitor. First, why is this a cover shooter? I get that at this point each Postal game had experimented with a different subgenre of shooter (Postal 1 was a twin-sticks shooter, Postal 2 was an FPS) but if you're going to make a cover shooter at least make the cover mechanic damn work! This thing is completely useless in the game, not only because its much more effective to just get right up in the enemies faces but also because the enemies will just go behind whatever you're covering yourself with and shoot you anyway. On the topic of enemies, the AI in this game are incredibly annoying to deal with. The enemies themselves constantly chase you around whatever map you're on instead of actually moving to spots to try and shoot you, the random NPC civilians constantly get in the way of your gunshots which affects the karma system (which I'll get to because its complete bullshit) and NPCs that you're meant to protect during escort missions will not following you and instead actively try and get into fights with the enemies. The gameplay itself is insanely bad. There is a reason the Source Engine is only really used for FPS games and this game is proof of that. Trying to aim with your gun is like trying to push a boulder with your legs. It is incredibly stiff for no reason, making it somehow more effective to just not aim at enemies and just shoot at them normally. Not that it even matters because there is no gunplay in this game at all. You can very much just beat the entire game with only the AR because of how ridiculously overpowered it is with its rapid fire and that you get crazy amounts of ammo for it throughout the game, rendering all other guns useless.
Now that karma system I mentioned. Why would you add a karma system where you lose good boy points by killing civilians in a POSTAL game?! You know, the game series that built its reputation up by making it so you are neither rewarded or punished for killing innocent NPCs and all comes down to how far you're willing to go? Yeah, lets add a karma system in the next game! I'm sure that doesn't completely go against everything the series is known for! Not to mention this karma system does nothing to affect the actual gameplay and only leads to one of two different endings depending on if you were good or bad. And both of them are shit.
I knew going into this game that it was bad but I'm still shocked at how a game like this can even be released in the state its in. I can see why RWS never licensed the Postal IP out again until Brain Damaged because I wouldn't trust anyone with my property if they made something like this out of it.
Fuck this game. Don't play it.

1 day ago

TIYFP finished Postal III
Well. That was one of the worst games I've ever played.
Postal is a series I've always held in high regard, even despite its controversial reputation. But being a relatively new fan of the series, I was always confused on why there was no Postal 3 listed on Steam despite there being a Postal 4. I thought it was some kind of joke, like how Goat Simulator skipped 2 and went straight to Goat Simulator 3. But after getting involved with the Postal community a bit more, I learned that there was indeed a Postal 3... and not a very good one. Skip to October of last year and RWS announces that Postal 3 would make its grand return to Steam with some fixes. So I bought it and eventually played it.
Postal 3 is a complete mess of broken mechanics, terrible writing, mind-numbing gameplay and enough bugs and glitches in it to make you want to punch a hole through your monitor. First, why is this a cover shooter? I get that at this point each Postal game had experimented with a different subgenre of shooter (Postal 1 was a twin-sticks shooter, Postal 2 was an FPS) but if you're going to make a cover shooter at least make the cover mechanic damn work! This thing is completely useless in the game, not only because its much more effective to just get right up in the enemies faces but also because the enemies will just go behind whatever you're covering yourself with and shoot you anyway. On the topic of enemies, the AI in this game are incredibly annoying to deal with. The enemies themselves constantly chase you around whatever map you're on instead of actually moving to spots to try and shoot you, the random NPC civilians constantly get in the way of your gunshots which affects the karma system (which I'll get to because its complete bullshit) and NPCs that you're meant to protect during escort missions will not following you and instead actively try and get into fights with the enemies. The gameplay itself is insanely bad. There is a reason the Source Engine is only really used for FPS games and this game is proof of that. Trying to aim with your gun is like trying to push a boulder with your legs. It is incredibly stiff for no reason, making it somehow more effective to just not aim at enemies and just shoot at them normally. Not that it even matters because there is no gunplay in this game at all. You can very much just beat the entire game with only the AR because of how ridiculously overpowered it is with its rapid fire and that you get crazy amounts of ammo for it throughout the game, rendering all other guns useless.
Now that karma system I mentioned. Why would you add a karma system where you lose good boy points by killing civilians in a POSTAL game?! You know, the game series that built its reputation up by making it so you are neither rewarded or punished for killing innocent NPCs and all comes down to how far you're willing to go? Yeah, lets add a karma system in the next game! I'm sure that doesn't completely go against everything the series is known for! Not to mention this karma system does nothing to affect the actual gameplay and only leads to one of two different endings depending on if you were good or bad. And both of them are shit.
I knew going into this game that it was bad but I'm still shocked at how a game like this can even be released in the state its in. I can see why RWS never licensed the Postal IP out again until Brain Damaged because I wouldn't trust anyone with my property if they made something like this out of it.
Fuck this game. Don't play it.

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