God im so bad at this game, but the weapon diversity and engaging "bullet hell lite" gameplay keep me coming back to this adorable and well put together roguelite

Edit: I have revisited this on ps5 now that it's currently free on PlayStation....this games incredible. On par with Hades incredible roguelite

Weird one this. Objectively nothing wrong with it, pretty cool world, great weapons, extremely boring story and unremarkable characters make for a very shallow if not entertaining experience

It just doesn't have the same spark as the first game. Intro mission rules though

Was probably my favourite of all the F2P multiplayer shooters i played at the time, except for maybe Planetside 2. Not worth shit now, pretty fun at the time though.

Stupid piece of shit game. Max Payne if it was written by a 15 year old who just saw Die Hard for the first time. It's a lot of fun

It was pretty fun at the time but only if you truely do not have any money to buy an even slightly more competent multiplayer shooter

I really really want to like this game. And i do,, i love it a lot. But oh my god, every single time i get maybe 2-3 hours into the campaign, you start doing missions where no matter your own ability, the game just randomly spawns completely unreactable amounts of aliens in spots you can't have been prepared for

No balance whatsoever, it's frustrating.

Most fun part of any worms game is naming your team.

Second most fun part is annihilating your brother in a long car trip. Good stuff

Completely dead in Australia which breaks my heart because i adore this kind of game. Barebones no nonsense WWI simulation shooter. A little more silly than it is realistic but as tense and terrifying as it needs to be

This is a weird one. It has very little to differentiate it from other roguelites, except maybe even less polish, but for some reason i keep coming back to it. Desperately needs more content, then maybe it would be a great game.

I cannot explain why i enjoyed this game so much. I can't do it. But i really fucking enjoyed it. Leagues above 2, on Par with sniper elite 3, maybe even a little better

Had enough character and charm to set itself apart from all the other Battle Royales at the time. Not worth putting the time into trying to get good at it, worth an afternoon or two, but only with friends

A beautiful little indie. Worth a drop in every now and then to Race the Sun

Just as good as X in every way (except maybe the campaign). My one regret is that i do not have enough time/energy in a die to play this enough to be competent enough to play online, let alone good.

Not to show my age, but this was my introduction to MK. Obviously i'd heard of it and shit, but it was the first one that i actually got to play myself. Seriously fun campaign, leagues above the campaigns of fighters that i'd been into in the past, like Tekken. Great visuals, character diversity and over the top violence. A good time all around.