Not a game I can claim aged well, bit certainly good for it's time and a great framework for an entire genre

I spent a long time thinking I liked this game because there wasn't much else on this poor console. I was wrong.

As far as shooters on the vita go, this was probably the most engaging. The different character classes added a small amount of variety, enough to keep me playing long enough for it to be well worth the price of admission

Heaps of wonderful hours getting thrashed by my cousin in this game.

Game needs a fucking tutorial. I may have been a kid but this game was so unresponsive it felt like a fever dream

VERY cool game. A crystal clear use of coding mechanisms to make a challenging but rewarding puzzle game. I'm way too fucking stupid for it though

I'm sorry man but this game makes me question reality. The Passion that people have for this game feels like a practical joke. The game is a perfectly charming indie title but I found the characters uninteresting, the world plain and the pseudo bullet hell combat extremely lacking. Not an awful game at all but didn't grab me whatsoever

I think my feelings for this game come from a combination of only having played it for the first time in 2019, with it aging horribly, and the PC port probably being quite shit. Either way I did not have a lot of fun with this one.

I give this game two stars because when we got our Xbox 360 my mum let me pick out a game I wanted but told me it couldn't be more than M rated. I sifted through the EB Games shelves and found this, took it home, and had a blast with it.

I recently bought it for 8 dollars on my PS3. It's a hunk of shit.


High tier style, moderate tier substance. When XIII hits it hits hard, it's got a fun, if not slightly rushed, spy story. A very Jason Bourne ESC amnesia spy thriller. The gameplay follows in the wake of the Perfect Dark era of tongue in cheek yet exciting shooters.

The levels and weapon variety get a little bit samey towards the middle of the game but all in all an enjoyable cell shaded imitation comic book action romp.

I don't think this game can be fully enjoyed without doing a 4 player coop session like the castle crashers days, but what i did get to expereince was perfectly fine. Tight gameplay, nice character variety, beautiful art style.

Even if i may have enjoyed this game at it's full potential, which i doubt, as its clearly another "needs a titanic time investment to be worth anything" kinda thing, the ps4 port of this ran like aaaabsolute trash, from 30fps +frame drops, to genuine controller delay, there was nothing to keep me playing this. At all.

This game seems like it would be a lot more fun if you had the time, energy and friends to get really into it. By the time i ever got around to playing it people practically had the military of Rhodesia

It's free and its got a good soundtrack
3 stars

Takes me back to playing motherload on the school computers in primary school except with less video calls from literal satan