I don't know what i expected when i first played it, but it wasn't this. This game is everything i wish xcom 2 was, charming Space cowboy robot pirate adventure

Fuck ME this sucks. Like, really really bad. It's borderline unplayable and an absolute stain on a series that already has some pretty big fucking stains.

First time i ever played this at a friends house it ROCKED me. I had never played a "realistic" shooter before and I had never even considered it. Changed me as a person

I come back to this game often. Extremely fun, very stupid at times, and others downright terrifying. My favourite large scale shooter to date.

I think ive genuinely only played this once, but i spent a few hours just playing with a mate of mine at his house and had a blast. Valve shooters are buttery smooth

Of all the painkiller clones, this sure is one

I never really get sick of this.

This is a certified hood classic

Same as the rest, i just cannot vibe with it.

The only soulsborne ive ever been able to stick with for more than 3 hours. Even then, i still only played around 10. They just don't click.

I really do hate to be that guy, but the gameplay of soulsborne games just does not work for me on any level. I can stick with it as long as i want, but my weapons don't improve, i dont understand the story and i have no interest in exploring the world. I wish i could enjoy these games more.

I do not think i am smart/knowledgeable enough about engineering to get even half of the joy out of this game, but its undeniably very polished.

It's probably the best tycoon game released. I played a fair ammount of it on PC, then i got it on android and it became my go to commute game. It stays fresh for a VERY long time.

It's got a REALLY fantastic premise, I was so onboard with the idea of a Megaman or a Sonic game where you play as the maniacal over the top villain but it's just not capitalised on properly.

It is in all ways, exactly like those games, except a lot less polished, with a skin pretending you're the "bad guy" of those games. Apart from the occasional boss fight where you control the big silly boss vehicle (which is great btw) it does nothing new.

This game is really chilling. I'm not generally a fan of side scrolling platforms, but the atmosphere of this one is undeniable