Hotline Miami 2 is a top down, fast-paced, action packed, pixel art shooter. It, much like the first game, is quite difficult. With beautiful art, a great story, amazing music it is certainly worth playing.

At the time of writing, I have completed the game in normal mode twice, and reached the final chapter in hard mode.

Edit: As of 11/03/22 I have beaten the game in normal 4 times, and in hard once.

Fallout: New Vegas is, in my opinion, a flawed masterpiece.

It is near unparalleled in quality, with 4 endings (that all have different variations based on what you do in that playthrough), with tons of side quests (many having multiple outcomes) and plentiful player choice that has real impacts.

However, there are 2 glaring issues within the game.
First, the lack of content for Caesar's Legion. The Legion was rushed during development and it is noticeable in game. They have the least amount of content out of the four factions@, though the content that exists is (much like the rest of the game) amazing.

The second, is the game's glitches. Whilst I personally have not any glitches/crashes that really break the game (even when modded), many have. This can greatly hamper the experience, even if I personally do not have issues with them.

@ whilst there are 4 factions, one of them has the ability to practically skip the entire game if the play desires.

Spelunky (2012/HD) is a 2d rougelike in which you must traverse through 4 different worlds (with 4 levels each) to reach and defeat the boss, Olmec. With multiple secret levels (and even a bonus world), all of which are randomly generated, it is endlessly repayable. With fast pace gameplay and moding capability, Spelunky is always enjoyable.