78 Reviews liked by Pine717

Proof that child me could be entertained by literally anything.

Probably the best 2D platformer ever made. Celeste is an absolute darling of a game that never falters on any aspect, really. Aesthetically deep and gorgeous, tight level design with simple controls and wonderful atmosphere, music that soothes the soul and an overarching story with a beautiful and heartwarming message. I feel like I learnt a lot about myself while playing the game - but I also had a lot of fun playing these kickass levels. It's great in every way a game can be. It's hard for me to really put it into words just how fun yet thematically effective this game really is. Don't skip out on this one - it's easily one of the greatest indie titles I've ever had the pleasure of playing.

Great game with fantastic puzzle platforming. The difficulty level is just right - I racked up a ton of extra lives in the first few worlds but no matter how high the number got, I never felt complacent. The game always made sure I knew that I was just a couple of especially tough levels away from burning through them all.