78 Reviews liked by Pine717

The greatest masterpiece of art the electronic video game entertainment medium will ever see. They probably should've stopped making video games after this one came out because it's all been downhill from here. I want to inject Shoot the Works into my veins.



Finally got around to playing this and I really liked it! It was a fun, spooky little adventure with some clever platforming and puzzle solving tricks. My one compliant is that the puzzles towards the end where stupidly hard to figure out at some spots. I spent 15 mins running around at some point with no idea what to do, only to look it up and be like "What?". Still though maybe that's just me, overall a fun game!

Parsnips drool, taters rool.

The best way to play this game is to sleep at 10am and then get mad that no one wants to marry you.

Retro Studios took such as massive W with this game, 'returning' Donkey Kong to greatness after so long. Beautiful levels and aesthetics overall and very tight gameplay mechanics make this a great adventure all the way through. The game is incredibly difficult though honestly, one of the hardest platformers I've ever played, although it is mostly in a very fair, 'git gud' kind of way.

It's a short, budget mini-sequel, and for that it's very good. I'm always interested in seeing asset/engine reuse games like this come out and wish it would happen more often, it often leads to interesting experiments like this, Captain Toad, and Majora's Mask and I'm always down for that. It's a shame that it repeats the same three environments several times, but I liked those maps, it made for a fun story, and this isn't a game that lasts for particularly long so it's not like it's a slog. It's more Alan Wake; I like Alan Wake, so that's fine by me. Plus, it had a fun setpiece with some unexpected Kasabian, that was a pleasant surprise.

This game's so damn fun to play and it definitely deserves to have pioneered a genre for how good it was. I think the fun of this game is to break it as much as you can with the ridiculous builds you can muster by the time to get to the inverted castle. It's certainly easy, but it's so good to play.

It’s the original Mario platformer that is so important, it’s hard to rate it. It’s fun to play, but I never go back to it over the other Mario games. Certainly a must-play to see where it all started, but not the game to go back to when the future Mario games are 100 times better.

God this game runs like ass on PS3. Day stages are awesome though. Also the unskippable cutscenes are a pain since I watched them all online ages ago

Even when playing this as a kid, I never understand why the game got criticized as much as it did. Yes it does feature the warehog, and yes the fighting scenes do feel out of place. But to the game's credit, at least those moments actually fit into the narrative of the story, and that's all that matters to me in the grand scheme of things.

This is a super entertaining combination of both 2D and 3D Mario. With the added bonus of multiplayer, this game really does bring a lot to the franchise. It makes chaotic and varied and makes it not only a battle to compete, but work together with your teammates. The plot is also not of great substance. However, it is Mario and that has never really been it's strong suit. In the end, it is a really fun and well made Mario game.

As someone who has little experience with the Monster World series, I gotta say this game was decent for what it is. I've never played the original Monster World IV, but I can tell this mostly a close to spot on remake since it really doesn't seem to do anything that an old 16-bit platformer couldn't do.

The graphics are actually very pretty in most places, sometimes it feels a little too bright, the music definitely sets the tone as you play but aside from the town them, I doubt I'll remember any of the songs. The story is very simple, though that works against it since the pacing seems too fast at points, for it to be a remake it kinda zooms by moments that need a little bit of a break to set in. The gameplay is mostly smooth, certain things such as climbing took a little bit to get used to, but by midway into the game I had everything in control.

Without context of the original game, I can only say this game was good on it's own, doesn't excel in anything and plays it safe as a platformer with the barest of RPG elements in it.

Best super hero game. Just a really fast game, about 10 hours to finish. The game is so good and smooth that the time flies here.

One of the most delightful, charming and relaxing RPG ever made. The series is very good at keeping things traditional and recognizable without reinventing the wheel. The roster of playable characters is intentionally small but it works because in that way you can relate to the characters even more. If you like RPG's, it's a must-play.

A charming enough time, but the deaths-don't-matter battery mechanic makes everything feel sort of limp and inconsequential, like a console port of an arcade game where you feed constant quarters. It's balanced around this and works out fine, it's just less satisfying than it could be. There's very little enemy variety as well, you're pretty much fighting the same things the whole way through.

The ugly-cute character designs and voices are lovely, though. Starch gang.

Really rad side scroller with gorgeous environments and boss designs. Movement is fluid with quite a number of different attacks. Platforming is a little finnicky at times and it's a little unforgiving, but such was the style at the time. I had not played the previous Shinobi games at the time of writing this, but this was strong enough to make me want to try them out.