78 Reviews liked by Pine717

Game is fun enough. However the controls really let it down.

Awful usability bugs that could've been fixed like not getting to the right spot to interact with things.

Pools of the Dead is a truly awful level to put in a game with slippy collision and instant life loss in water, especially with enemies that like to hit you mid jump.

If you can't be bothered to animate your cutscenes at least dont just take poorly rendered screenshots and throw them in google slides. You can play as mavis tho and she has good R34 so thats something. But otherwise, don't play this the budget was literally two Venezuelan dollars

Better than the original in terms of gameplay and overall game feel but severely lacking in terms of story and interesting boss fights/encounters

This is very close to a perfect game in every single aspect. Also thank you Yoko Shimomura for creating one of the greatest final boss themes in video game history.

love how every boss in this game just kinda sucks ass. rare just said fuck it and made an oil drum sentient

This game was a bit of a formative experience for me as a young teen.

- Fantastic traversal
- Tight, satisfying combat
- Great characters
- My favorite Spider-Man story of all time
- Incredible boss fights
- Explosive set pieces
- Awesome villains
- Large variety of suits with tons of fan service
- Open-world serves the gameplay mechanics, is mostly un-invasive
- Goes deep into both Peter Parker and Spider-Man’s lives, and the contrast between them
- Graphical, performance upgrades are all welcome additions
- Incredible third act
- Side-missions, activities are fun and get really creative with new mechanics
- Game is fun and quick to platinum

- Most MJ/Miles sections are annoying and difficult to replay
- FEAST and Lab missions mostly slow the story’s momentum; other missions, while revelatory, move too slow (only really an issue on replays).
- First half of the game is a bit awkwardly paced, takes a lot of time explaining open-world elements
- DLC never reaches the heights of the main game

A fantastic remake of all 3 games. The mechanics are not exactly one to one but they do an excellent job at keeping them how they felt with the speed and the jumps. It's a really great deal for all three games. It's pretty much a visual and musical upgrade and that's all it really needed if it was to be remade. You'll get no complaints from me.

It's funny, DKC3 is my least favorite of the original Country games, but DKL3 is my favorite of the Land games. It's the best crafted of the bunch with the most unique levels and lots of interesting ideas, if there's a single Donkey Kong Land to play it's this one.

What if a game was... like a movie? That's not what this is.

What if a game was... 6 hours of stiff, prestige television inspired by the Underworld franchise of all things (but instead of being about cool monsters, human characters are at the forefront 90% of the time) that mayyyyybe will get good in the 2nd season but the 1st season was so reserved and boring it didn't get renewed? That's it. So it's just this overwrought prologue condemned to never continue.

Also, like Underworld, it's politically rancid. Somehow it's even worse tho. Like... it's an althistory setting where an empire has advanced tech and magic and you play as the bad guys. And they aren't bad cuz they're imperialists. They're portrayed as... misguided at best? Cuz they've been infiltrated by evil, monstrous "half breed" races who are steering the empire. It's very gross (hearing "half breed" uttered over and over again was the worst). It awkwardly sidesteps a critique of empire and white supremacy by pointing the finger at fantasy monsters. It's also super uncompelling.

I only played this cuz it has werewolves and it was extremely disappointing on that front, they're barely in it lol

I dunno why this has a separate entry but I get to give DKCTF two five star ratings so that's cool. Funky Kong is fun to screw around with, and the faster load times make an already perfect game even more perfect.

It's hard to fully appreciate what the Oracle games are doing until you've played both of them in a linked game. Whilst each exists as its own entity in many ways with very different focal points in terms of level design, they are also simultaneously separate halves of a larger whole. I played Oracle of Ages second meaning this was the game where I finally met and rescued Zelda after having only heard her name in Oracle of Seasons, this was the game that both continued the story and got an actual climax associated with it, and a ton of characters would refer back to happenings in the previous game also. It's not a perfect system, the notion of having to note down a code, boot up the previous game and go exploring to reap the rewards of the interlinked nature of these seemed laborious enough to me that I just couldn't really be bothered, but it is both very cute and oddly ambitious in its own way, both the final swan song for the Game Boy Color and a dramatic evolution upon what Pokémon Red and Blue had been attempting five years earlier.

I will say that playing through a second game of this made me realise how much a lot of the secondary systems and such in this duology just don't really click with me. Gasha seeds get planted in suitably obscure locations that it's easy to forget to ever go check on them, I had little motivation to ever really experiment with rings, and the aforementioned code entry system whilst very cool in context of when this game existed is sadly archaic enough that I never actually used it outside of the initial linking of Oracle of Ages to my completed Oracle of Seasons playthrough.

This is definitely a part of where Ages stumbles for me more so than Seasons, as whilst Seasons had a very clear focus on streamlined, fun dungeon-based gameplay, Ages makes you spend an awful lot more time doing everything else in-between them and that content, whilst charming, would often fall flat. The low-points in that regard for me were the Crescent Island, which lands halfway between a trading quest and a scavenger hunt, and the Goron minigame village which locks the next dungeon behind not only a fully fledged trading quest but also the worst minigame in either Seasons game, a deeply frustrating rhythm game that costs heaps of rupees to attempt and repeatedly fail.

That all said, Oracle of Ages is very much more of the same and a pretty good time overall. The dungeon design is largely really engaging and fun, the item set is a touch worse than Seasons but the Switch Hook is still among the better Zelda items out there (though the Mermaid Tail is among the all-time worst Zelda items for making your movement feel actively worse from the moment you get it), and honestly the bosses might actually be better here than in Seasons as the increased focus on puzzles in Oracle of Ages allows for some really creative boss designs (but, just like with Oracle of Seasons, the final boss here felt excessively challenging compared to the rest of the game). Not the best Zelda game, but a perfectly solid entry.



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When you think about it, putting the actual ending of the game in a post credits sequence like this does means that the credits were the in universe canon for who made the simulation

A very good follow up from DS1. Not a fan of giving Isaac a voice now but it doesn't hamper the experience. Reminds me of a sequel like Aliens or Terminator 2. You can argue with which is better the original or the sequel but at the end of the day both are supreme horror games. I liked a lot of the set pieces and I really am a sucker for going back to previous games areas to see how they turn out overtime. I'm referring to going back to the Ishamura ship.

Platinum # 5

objectively horrible disgusting game because i have to cope with the fact that vgm peaked when the 900 year old fascist goblin made the microsoft general midi brass go DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Da da Da da Da da Da DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA while i blasted shit out of my epic ass slime mecha

YOOOOOOO finally being able to play spiderman. The graphics and story telling and the side quests, man game was great. My fav thing to in this game was just waste time and web sling. This game feels so interactive and the immersion was amazing. 4.5/5 because not enough exaggerated swagger