I liked this a lot more than Touhou Luna Nights. I feel like this game’s gimmick is more fleshed out than the other’s, and getting multiple weapons over the course of the game instead of always having the same basic attack that for some reason also drains your MP bar was a much welcome change. I just liked the environments here more too. The pixel art is still incredibly gorgeous and the aesthetics of the levels appealed to me more. Overall this is just much more fleshed out Metroidvania than Luna Nights.

There’s something really special here. The gameplay is alright. It’s really simple but is also frenetic and breezy enough to be enjoyable. But the real draw here is the characters and the writing. This game is impeccably written and acted. The way the team grows together and becomes a family by the end is so well done. This is one of those adaptations where you can feel the writers’ love for the source material. I’m not gonna act like I know a lot about the comics, and I haven’t seen the movies because fuck Chris Pratt, but even as someone with little to no background with this series I absolutely loved these characters.

gimme a new deus ex tho

The best one of these they’ve made. It’s the only one so far that doesn’t have a “but”. It doesn’t have the problem of most of these where there are specific areas that just bring down the whole experience. Even the worst areas aren’t bad enough that they become overly annoying.

Having an overarching story actually unfolding around you is also nice because it made me more invested in exploring and talking to NPCs. It’s one of the best open worlds I’ve ever seen, probably even the best. The sheer amount of things you can do make it feel more meaningful than similar worlds like BOTW.

Overall, while there are a couple bosses I’m not huge on and a couple areas that annoyed the hell out of me, none of it was bad enough to hurt my enjoyment of the game.

I don’t know anything about Touhou so the story basically just flew over my head, but I mostly enjoyed my time with this. I think the level design was pretty good and I loved the bosses, there are just some really bad enemies that aren’t fun to deal with at all. The pixel art is immaculate and some of the music is really good too. I’d probably recommend it if you just wanna spend an afternoon having an okay time.

Cyberpunk’s writing is incredible. I found myself getting really attached to basically all of the characters. V and Johnny’s dynamic is great. I’m surprised how well they used Keanu here, he plays the standoffish anarchistic rocker really well. Jackie is also another highlight, they actually managed to get me really attached to him, so much so that I teared up at the E3 trailer moment. The entire voice cast is great and they do a stellar job of bringing the writing to life, even if the slang can be a bit much to get used to.

Night City feels alive and it’s a wonder to behold. The amount of detail in every corner is astonishing and it does wonders for the atmosphere. More games need to let me walk down neon soaked streets at night in the rain. Now that it’s on consoles that can handle it, it looks immaculate and runs really well too.

The gameplay is also better than I was expecting. The guns themselves feel pretty good and the variety in weapons is also good. The game honestly feels more like the modern Deus Ex games than a standard open world game. It feels like if you took Mankind Divided’s Prague and spread it over an entire city. The driving is the only part I’d call rough, but it’s not bad enough to bring down the overall experience for me.

Speaking of things that are rough, I didn’t run into that many bugs. Of course I had a few and a couple required reloading a save, but it didn’t happen often enough over my 50 hours with the game that it became a problem.

I didn’t go into Cyberpunk expecting too much, but I came out genuinely in love with it. I spent literally 20 hours just doing side quests at the end of the game just so I didn’t have to finish the story and have it be over.

Cute and simple platformer that I can look at and easily see why people latched onto the series so hard, but I can also look at it and easily see how the later ones could improve. It’s a cozy time and I could see myself just zoning out and doing 120% again but it definitely wouldn’t be anytime soon.

Massive improvement from the first game. It feels like an actual shooter now compared to the first and the platforming controls have also been smoothed out. The story is also much better with characters that feel more like people than archetypes and a villain that’s actually threatening. Really impressed with how well it held up.

I really liked the 2013 Shadow Warrior reboot, but 2 is just an all around worse game. That’s not to say it’s bad because it really isn’t, it’s just not as good as it should be. The switch to a looter-shooter with only like 5 different levels that every mission in the game takes place in wasn’t entirely welcome but less jarring than I thought it’d be. The guns feel pretty good and you can traverse those levels in some really fun ways once you figure out the trick to breaking this game over your knee. The story was a significant step down from the last game with every character being a downgrade but there’s glimpses of what this could have been had they been able to pull it off. Overall it was a fun time and would definitely be a lot of fun with friends, just not as good as it should have been.

Janky as hell but it’s alright as a first attempt at this style of game. Incredibly influential though, you can still feel the influence of this game in the industry.

There are a lot of things in this game that hold up surprisingly well, but overall I think it’s just an alright shooter that was incredibly influential. Most of the guns don’t feel very good but the ones that do (shotgun) kick ass. The updated visuals look really nice and playing on Series X at a locked 60fps made it feel pretty alright. The cover system honestly still works really well and is maybe the aspect that holds up the best. The thing that surprised me the most going back was how you can see these random bits of an interesting world in the background but they never really go in depth with it like they probably should’ve, and the story and character writing is honestly really bad. None of the characters were likable.

Wanted something mindless to kill some time but actually ended up really enjoying it. The guns feel pretty good and I liked the upgrading mechanics. It honestly still looks pretty good too for an early 360 game. Story is basically nonexistent but who cares that’s not what people come to these for. The difficulty spike in the final level is kinda insane too.

The music and visuals are both great, but the gameplay is only like 80% there. Parry needed its own button and a crouch slash (or a crouch at all) would have helped immensely. Otherwise it’s pretty fun even if the last level went a little too far with its bullshit.

The best new platformer I’ve played in years. It’s still as amazingly written as the first game, while amping up the presentation in every way. The levels are incredibly creative and the game looks gorgeous. They actually made the platforming feel good this time and the combat is alright too. They really nailed it in a way I wasn’t sure they could after playing the first.

Impeccably written, acted, and presented. There isn’t really anything that stands out as less than stellar in terms of the presentation/story. The platforming is kinda mid though. Not bad per se, just kinda basic and doesn’t really stand out. The combat is definitely the worst part of the game, it’s just really simple and boring.

A really great game that is a lot harder than you would expect but that challenge is one that feels really good to overcome. The planes feel just weighty enough to be satisfying while still being light enough to pull off some crazy maneuvers.

The vibes here are incredible. The music is great and the visuals still have a great style to them. Some areas still look gorgeous 22 years later.