Really fun puzzle game that was never really hard but just challenging enough to make solving the puzzles feel good. The story was decent too with a twist I saw coming from a mile away but still enjoyed.

The only good things I’ll say about it are the performances and the premise. I like time loop stuff and was interested in it but having played it now I’m just upset. The story is kinda cool at first but the ending just threw that right out the window. It’s just bad. You could maybe make a good story with that twist but this sure as hell wasn’t it.

This is the definition of a hot mess. It’s a gorgeous game with really fun gunplay, but is filled with just tons of jank and an overall lack of polish.

The story is honestly pretty boring, it’s not hard to follow or anything but there’s not much to it and is mostly there to just string together the levels. The only interesting characters were the ones outside of the story, like the artificer or the rogue doc. The rest are just boring and the conclusion is just dull and completely unsatisfying.

Now the star of the show is 100% the gameplay. The movement is fun and the guns all feel great. The only thing really lacking are the abilities. There’s plenty of them but I barely ever needed to use them. My main complaint with the gameplay overall is that it’s just too easy. Most of my deaths were to pits not enemies. I barely felt any challenge and when I did it felt unearned, like in the not so great boss fights.

Would I recommend it? Definitely. It’s a fun game with a killer presentation that is marred by a major lack of polish. Would I blame someone for dropping it after a couple hours? Probably not.

A lot of seventh gen games don’t hold up at all visually and this isn’t an exception. It looks and runs like total ass. But its still really fun to play. It’s one of the better superhero games out there. This story is kinda rough though and the ending is just…? It just reveals its big twist and then credits they don’t do anything with it.

This is a really gorgeous game that has a story that made me tear up a little bit. The gameplay is just doing really simple puzzles but somehow the platforming still manages to be a little unresponsive. It’s only maybe two hours long so it’s easy to recommend.

This is a really gorgeous game that has a gameplay loop that really clicked with me and a story that had me interested until they fumbled it at the end.

It’s also incredibly janky. I had many bugs and a few freezes in my playthrough, with a crash or two sprinkled on top. Most animations are bad and the human characters just look terrible (which is why they all have their face covered). The localization is also full of typos and poor grammar, not to mention having a different voice actor voice at least one line by the main character that you are going to hear multiple times in a playthrough. But none of it was bad enough that it took me out of the experience, I usually just chuckled and moved on.

I really like the snappiness and immediacy of the combat. It’s very quick and brutal like a real gunfight would be. Everyone (including you) dies in a matter of one or two hits from most weapons. The weapons also just feel really good, especially the shotgun.

The survival elements had me on my toes for maybe the first five hours but it didn’t take long for me to get things to a point where I didn’t need to worry about it anymore. At the beginning I had to make a couple tough choices but it didn’t extend much past that.

What really surprised me were how effective the horror elements were. There were quite a few moments where I was genuinely on edge and scared during my playthrough. The monsters are suitably creepy and the music works with the visuals so well that some parts of the game are surprisingly scary.

The story has some really neat things in it and had me interested until the end. I love the setting and I enjoyed going through each character’s story and having to make those hard decisions and sometimes make calls I really don’t want to. The ending was pretty bad though. The lead up to it is pretty cool and I liked the heist a lot but after that it’s just a twist that ruined a pretty interesting villain and a Fallout-esque slideshow telling you what happened to all the people you met along the way. It just left me feeling empty.

Overall, as much as I don’t like the ending, it didn’t hurt the whole experience enough that I wouldn’t recommend it. I genuinely enjoyed much of my time with it despite it being a janky and buggy mess.

I was miserable the whole time through this game. It feels terrible and the xbox one version is a technical mess even when played on series x. Games feeling like a dump truck doesn’t typically bother me. GTAIV is my favorite GTA and RDR2 is one of my favorite games ever. But this feels worse than those. It’s not scary and it’s not fun to play. The only points I’m giving it are for some really cool visuals that show up occasionally, and for one chapter actually being kinda cool. I’ve never forced myself through a game that’s made me feel so miserable before.

I really loved this game, but being forced to finish the Pokédex for the true ending just took the wind right of my sails by the end. Exploring the different zones and catching Pokémon is really fun and the story was surprisingly good and I really liked most of the characters. My biggest issues with the game are technical and presentation-wise. It looks and runs like a 360 game and a game coming from a franchise as big as Pokémon is inexcusable. It also really needs voice acting, at least for story scenes. All of the major cutscenes are presented like there should be voice acting but there just isn’t. I’m not saying every line of dialogue needs to be voiced but it would really elevate the major story scenes.

I really love Bugsnax. This expansion is just more Bugsnax and that’s all I could have asked for. The only negative I really have is the length. I also softlocked the final boss really easily.

Pretty sure this game is what cocaine feels like. It just kinda throws shit at you not caring if it actually works or not and I kinda love it for it. When it just lets you fight dudes it’s so much fun, but it gets a little carried away with things you can’t really counter. Anytime I saw the ninjas that throw incendiary shurikens at you I’d just get upset, same with the skull worms. But the combat feels good enough that those annoyances just kinda fade away as soon as you get to start swinging a fucking demon scythe at dudes. Every single boss outside of the final one was kind of a joke, after a certain point I was able to beat them all by just spamming Y with the scythe. The story was basically nothing but I wasn’t expecting different so who really cares tbh. The dismemberment system was actually a really neat addition, seeing fiends throw other fiends’ body parts at me was really cool.

Second best Uncharted game. This series really felt like it hit its stride on the PS4, I consider both PS4 games to be the best in the series. The gameplay still feels great and it looks fucking insane. The open world chapter is probably the highlight just because getting to actually explore is just really fun. The main thing that brings it down when compared to 4 is Asav, I just don’t like him as much as Rafe and Nadine. But I really like Chloe and Nadine’s dynamic in this game. If they bring Uncharted back I would love to see these two together again.

A fun little rhythm game that made me play through Let it Go twice so I can never truly forgive it. I wasn’t expecting much and I got what I expected, but the new story stuff at the end has me excited for the next game.

This is still a really great action game, but this original version is kinda hard to go back to. The combat is still great, but a few of the puzzles aren’t good and not having camera control can be rough to deal with. A lock on could solve just about every problem I had with the gameplay outside of the puzzles. This also still looks really great, it’s insane how great they made it look while still running at 60fps.

I’ve always been a defender of Uncharted 3 but now that I’ve replayed it I don’t know what the hell I was on. The story isn't good, the entire middle section of the game was a slog, and it’s a lot jankier than 2. I still think the gunplay is better than 2 and I like Nate and Sully’s relationship, but that isn’t enough. The set pieces are pretty cool, but there’s barely anything connecting most of them.

The vibes of this game are immaculate. The music is just as good as R4 and the visuals are great. Too bad the racing doesn’t live up to it. It can be pretty fun, but it’s floatier than it should be and there are enough of the vehicles that feel bad that some races can be a drag. The second to last race is probably the worst in the game. There also aren’t nearly enough tracks. There are only four tracks that are repeated constantly, only occasionally broken up with the two rally tracks or the one drag strip. It just needed more variety. The story itself was… fine I guess? It was pretty nothing and almost entirely there to shove some titties in the screen but it didn’t upset me or anything so whatever.