Minecraft 2011

Log Status






Time Played

226h 50m

Days in Journal

147 days

Last played

June 22, 2024

First played

December 29, 2014

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I would only consider removing half a star for the mediocre amount of content those nincampoops at microsoft are putting out aint cutting it. Base game is peak gaming, peaked in the 1.7-1.8 era tbh tbh which was a time where Miku was still involved in the creative process. Miss her fr!! I have no words to convey how much this game changed much of my childhood <--- has said words. But like, really like, my whole circadian rhythm got a reset this game is DANGEROUS dangerous you know what I mean?

I have went from server to server like a frantic nomad, often settling, and these last years as few bastions remain, I only play on el famoso Hypixel. The Pit, Bedwars, Skywars, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. Not tired of it yet. It's usually a 1 or 2 hour session, once a week. I have not played singleplayer or a private server in a while, although private servers are usually really fun. Everyone got that "make a multiplayer world for 2 weeks and with the homies and abandon it" circadian rhythm. You won't believe how many things you can do with handheld C U B E. But you probably do. You've played Minecraft, haven't you? This is good, I don't have to explain anything then.

Minecraft probably constitutes as my gaming workout. I'm sweating bullets while playing this. I give it my all, although I'm aware my power has to be contained, sometimes I go to The Pit and just watch people fight. They must all think I took this username after the game mode, but no. I'm simply judge, jury and executioner. Bedwars pretty chill in comparison, I always pick 4v4. I guess I really like online games when I can team up with strangers. I don't really care about my teammates skill level. Though I gotta say, The Pit in particular can have a lot of toxic doomers in the fray. You no feel good? There are probably teens in the mix. I can't believe i'm already 21 dawg

Also, the usual hackers. Report button my ass, I will reach into the screen and kill the mf with mine own hands. Minecraft can let you do wacky things so it might just happen. You can fall from any height with a water bucket, you can use your rod's knockback in many different ways, you can build bridges without sneaking. There are a lot of things I've had to master. I remember one world I've made with my twin where we had like, 30 dogs each, we had to be the last one with dogs standing. Talk about animal abuse. It didn't last long enough for the day to happen, however. I remember my laptop wallpaper for a few weeks being a shot of these dogs, I was around 12 it was fun.

The game's unbridled creativity and social possibilities led me to this rabbit hole. Tipping my hat to Miku again. The mid 2010s would have never been as nostalgic without Minecraft for a lot of people. Guess I'm part of that gooning community. Huh no I did not mean... shit.