2 reviews liked by PitaBred

This review was written before the game released

The true litmus test to see if you have the refined palate for kino or if you will get filtered



Taro's magnum opus, one of the greatest games ever written.

After a replay for the first time in over 5 years this still holds up as my favorite game ever and is still worth playing (it actually ran way better than i remembered, maybe drakengard 3 just scared me that much that i thought both were like that).

I legitimately do not understand people who say this game is unplayable. Don't get me wrong it has its flaws (horrible balance needing you to stand around during boss fights so you don't one shot them and miss all the dialogue, needless repetition for C and D when all the new content is in the final 15 minutes) but people who act like this game is a disaster outside of its story and see this as completely invalidated by the remake either haven't played the game themselves and are just parroting the common take or have not played an actual 1 out of 10 dogshit game. Hate to come off super elitist and harsh but this game gets a worse rep than it deserves.