Most accurate representation of the backrooms in video game form.

Granted that doesn't mean it's the most fun, but it does an excellent job conveying liminal horror.

I actually love playing this game, but I cannot justify how expensive this game gets if you're trying to get all the packs.

pretty fire for a mobile game like damn

Very good game, but I never finished it because my friend told me I would run into shadow monster man. I didn't want to run into shadow monster man because he sounds scary so I stopped playing, though from what I can remember, I had very much fun playing this game. My friend was probably lying though, surely there's no scary shadow monster man in this game.

Sturgeon's law. 99.99999% of the games on here are shit. Good luck finding games with a semblance of fun in them. You won't find anything groundbreaking, maybe you'll have fun somewhere, it'll probably be with a friend when you're in a manic state.
This place is great if you're looking for some shovelware though.

I used to love playing this game and I even got invested in watching youtubers play it, I didn't think competitive bloon popping would be so fun to play and watch.

All that ended with the powers update. At first it seemed like an update to keep the game fresh and interesting, but unlocking the powers was either extremely time consuming and tedious requiring dozens of hours or pay to win at worst, and you could not skimp out on these powers, they were extremely powerful and became mandatory if you wanted to play. Regardless of what came after that update or if they've improved it since (I haven't played since), it killed any fun I could have had with the game and the main youtubers and streamers I watched play the game quit completely within a week of the launch of the update and have not returned to the game since.

In summary, a single update destroyed a game I loved. (I tried the sequel, but it was worse. Even though they have tried to fix it, nothing has made me want to play it again.)

There's only 1 and half zones in this demo, but I really look forward to replaying advance and hopefully the rest of the series in wide screen. There's even more playable characters planned, blaze and shadow are already finished. I'd be happy if it was just advance with widescreen, but I'm not complaining about anything extra. cough spike placement cough.

Through screen crunch, bottomless pits, and ass spike placement the advance series has held a place in my heart. Except for advance 3, lol , but I have a feeling that if they plan to do advance 3 revamped they'll find a way to make it more fun.

For many reasons I consider this to be the best version of sonic colors, let me explain.

2D and 3D
While this game is entirely 2D compared to the Wii version, I felt it handled 2D way better, the 2D in the wii version actually feels sluggish in comparison to the 2D in the NDS version, notably, the jumps feels way more smooth in the NDS version as it feels very floaty in the wii version, and the 2D sections are high speed while a lot of the 2D sections in the Wii version felt slow as you had to take your time with a lot of them. The Wii version, despite being a 3D game actually has A LOT of 2D segments, it does have some pretty good 3D sections, but with how much it's competing with the NDS version in 2D sections, the NDS version pulls ahead for me.

Filler levels
The wii version has more levels per act than the NDS version, but a lot of these levels end up feeling like filler to pad out the game, although they are short, they distract so much from the actually good full length levels that there were mods made to make it possible to just straight up skip the filler levels, I didn't use any mods while playing, but that sounds like a good idea. The filler levels just can't stand on their own and really should have been part of bigger full levels. When I describe a level as filler there is negative connotations to it compared to if I would call them bonus levels. The NDS version has bonus levels, to be more precise it has OPTIONAL missions featuring cameos from beloved characters. These cameos actually end up giving the whole interstellar amusement park a lot more personality and it makes it feel more populated.

Wisp powers

The wii and NDS have some overlapping wisps and some unique to each version. While the the wii version does have more wisps I still end up preferring the wisps in the NDS version because of the movement expression of the burst wisp and not being very fond of the exclusive wii wisps. You could argue the wii version uses the wisps better for puzzle solving to find the red star rings, but me personally I never went out of my way to come back to the levels to collect all red star rings in either of the games. I also felt a lot of the wii exclusive wisps were underutilized. Hover I think could have had some interesting ring trail sections where you have to do more than just hold down a button and you'd make it through the ring trail, there could have been more obstacles by the ring trails for example.


The NDS version of this games has some of my favorite bosses. Each act has a unique boss and fun boss. The wii version opted to have 3 repeating bosses which means it ends up only having 4 unique bosses. The nega wisp armor in the wii version is pretty fun, but the NDS version ends up having an even better version of the boss, it's one of my favorite bosses in a sonic game too. The NDS version actually ends up one upping every boss in the wii version and has more unique bosses.

What I will give the wii version is that it looks and sounds amazing compared to the NDS version. This is due to the wii having better hardware than NDS.

And that is why I believe the NDS version of the game to be the better and more fun experience

multiple edits to spruce up the review. Removed parts I felt weren't very interesting to talk about