Horrible game. Also the funniest I've ever played.

Words cannot do Celeste justice for me. Ever since I played it for the first time years ago, I've returned to beat it over 100 times at this point. Play this game.

My first Kirby game. Have a lot of love for it in my heart, despite its flaws looking back. Magolor best kirby character don't @ me.

The best that the Pokémon franchise has to offer. Explorers of Sky has what is hands-down the greatest story of any of the Pokémon games, mainline or otherwise. On top of that, this game has some incredible spritework, music, and has (in my opinion) the most refined gameplay of the Mystery Dungeon spinoffs. Easy 10/10 for me.

Chrono Trigger is one of if not the greatest RPGs I've ever played. From the music to the story to the art of Akira Toriyama, It's impacted me like few games ever have. Certain moments of this game after multiple playthroughs still get me teary-eyed, and there's no RPG I think could ever replace it.

One of the first online games I played. What started as some dumb fun became one of the most predatory games I've ever seen. It's a shame what I've seen looking in for the 6 years or so since I've quit. I can't really justify anything above a 3 for nostalgia's sake.