Mighty has a much more methodical playthrough than Sonic does. He has the Sonic 3 moveset with the insta-shield and elemental shields. Although Mighty has an extra layer to that where he can store and switch shields at the cost of rings.

This results in an interesting juggling act where you switch to the best shield ability for the situation you are in, keeping you on your toes if you want to beat the levels as fast as possible.

A fun little metroidvania romp with classic Sonic gameplay. Worth checking out and won't take long to beat.

Playing this game at 50-150cc is great, you can just jump in with a kart and character combo that you like and do fairly well if you are paying attention to the track and other racers. And each cc is a decent difficulty increase over the previous.

But 200cc is a different story. Kart and character are much more of an important factor, which wouldn't be such a problem if there weren't so many options to pick from. And the chaotic nature of the item system is much more of an issue as one bad hit can make or break a race.

Now I'm sure some people will consider this a skill issue but I don't play Mario Kart to obsess over stats and find the best racing lines, I play it to have dumb racing fun with a cast of colourful characters. I'm not gonna try and get better if I'm not having fun.

I would still recommend the game though. I had my fill with 50-150cc, just remember that 200cc asks a lot more from the player.

Truly the Sonic Adventure 3 we deserve.

But in all seriousness this is a fun little level pack with a focus on getting through the levels quickly over the exploration of the base game. Is especially fun with speedy characters like Adventure Sonic.

Aw yeah this is happening.

This is a great addition to the SRB2 cast, not only does Adventure Sonic feature moves from the 2 Adventure games but he also feels like a combination of the two, whilst still managing to feel like he fits in the game and isn't completely broken.

He can be OP, but the player is required to keep him under control when doing so.

Style and substance is at the core of this mod.

At a quick glance it may seem like another skin mod but it is more than just that. The power boost for the drop dash and shields as well as the Super Rushes which replace the special rings (Doomsday is still accessible) really change up how you play, making the game much faster and exhilarating.

Whilst this game isn't the best complete fan game you can play (even it's own sequel is better) it is still well worth your time.

What I like most about this one is the way where you switch between Sonic and Tails per Zone. This allows for levels that take advantage of Tails abilities as they don't need to accommodate Sonic.

My biggest gripe is that the physics are a little bit off. Most notably when you hit a badniks from below as you will be shot towards the ground suddenly, this was still catching me out at the end of the game.

This really is a great take on the classic Sonic formula. Whilst it is a metroidvania it is pretty linear, with you only really needing to backtrack towards the end of the game.

For me the real charm of this game is in the extra abilities Sonic unlocks, I feel they really do a lot to expand of the classic gameplay in interesting ways.

A fun little tech demo of what the Steam Deck can do that is full of that Portal humour and lore.

Well worth checking out if you have a Deck, it's up there with Tech Demos like Wii Sports

In my opinion this is the closest anyone has come to capturing what made classic 2D Sonic work in 3D, without falling into the trap of making the stages too big (and hard to navigate) or giving the characters too many abilities.

The sheer sense of flow in this game is not to be understated.

A charming little game that has been fun to run through. Like most Kirby games it is very fair whilst still offering a decent challenge. I enjoyed the gimmicks in this one, I felt they were fun and didn't upset the flow of the game. Even the gyro stuff was enjoyable, especially in the optional puzzle rooms where they really make you think about the mechanics of them.

I do plan to come back at some point in the near future to do the bonus content.

[Official Level Design Contest 2021: Round 1]

I didn't enjoy this pack as much as I did other ones. I had some issues in some of the levels with getting lost and some of the gimmicks were difficult to get to grips with. There are still some good levels here and other people may not have the same issues I have had so it is still worth checking out.

This was quite a surprising little hack. On the surface it might seem that it is just another run of the mill Sonic 2 hack but that is far from the truth.

Despite the name it actually takes more inspiration from the Game Gear titles than the Advance series (in particular Chaos and Triple Trouble), but even then this feels like it's own thing, with custom art, badniks, gimmicks and bosses making this a good pick for someone wanting a fresh Classic Sonic experience.

[3D in 2D Shadow]

This character is a great addition to Sonic 3 AIR. On the surface his moveset may sound like it will make the game trivial, boost and homing attack/jump dash, but there is more to it than that.

First of all boosting through the entire stage is not going to get you anywhere, it is much more useful as a quick burst of speed, like an instant peel-out, it also doesn't make you impervious so you need to be careful and manage your speed.

The homing attack likewise doesn't make you impervious as you still have to be careful to avoid enemy attacks and make sure you hit weak spots.

The jump dash had a lot of usability it this game. The obvious features are a quick burst of speed and the ability to correct a jump, but it also comes with a small increase in jump hight, which when used properly can open up new movement options in the levels.

This is a great choice for Classic Sonic fans (in particular Sonic 1 fans) who want an extra challenge. This game remixes the content of Sonic 1 to give the player something that is faster but also more challenging, whilst feeling familiar.

Sonic's moveset in this is interested, he has what you would expect, the spin jump and spin dash. But there are also two unexpected additions, those being the homing attack and light speed dash.

First up the homing attack in this game isn't something to be used wildly, if you do you will likely slam into spikes and projectiles, on top of that there are certain Badniks that are difficult to use it against due to their defenses (those being Catakiller, Yardin and Orbinaut) and there are also inonveniently placed Eggman monitors to make you think about what you are using it on.

Then there is the light speed dash, for the most part this is used to gain speed as the momentum gained from using it is retained as you exit the trail of rings. There are also some shortcuts designed to make use of it.

I would definitely recommend playing the Mega Drive version on this game (v3) over the Mega CD (v4) as this is the more polished version.