A fun little platformer that takes inspiration from shareware platformers. My only gripe is that it lacks checkpoints on anything but boss battles so some of the, admittedly short, levels can feel a bit tedious. But apart from that a solid platformer that was fun to play.

I'm honestly really mixed on this one. The first third of the game was great, I was having a lot of fun with it. The second third felt a bit too undercook and had a bit too much 2D platforming for a game that is meant to be so open, but still fun. And the finale was a bit rough, with pacing issues and departures from the platforming gameplay that were really jarring.

Other all though I did enjoy the game, just not sure if I would recommend it to people.

If you can play this game without motion controls it's really not that bad. And I would really suggest doing so as timing can be tight on some things just with normal button presses.

I didn't mind the whole mission structure of the game as, thanks to the level and skill system, it always felt like I was making progress. But I can see why some people think the story missions should be clearly labeled.

On the topic of the story I thought it was actually quite good, it was interesting seeing how Sonic behaves in a world that is different to his own. Can we all agree by now that for all but the most egregious games in the series that the "non-Sonic" stuff really wasn't that bad.

Originally I always thought of this game as just an easier version of Sonic 1 with some different levels and a killer OST.

But that changed with playthrough as I decided to go for all the Chaos Emeralds. They add an extra degree of challenge to this game that works well with it's slower more traditional level design. I now look forward to revisiting this in the future.

This is a really lovely, loss stress collectaphon platformer. No enemies, no possibility of death, just doing little things for various animal people to become a "Professional Friend'.

The cast of characters are wonderful and really memorable, with their own characteristics and personalities. As well as some great queer representation.

And all of this is threaded together with a heartwarming story that is befitting a game that is so centered around healthy and positive relationships.

Overall I found this to be a decent Sonic game. Not one that I think I will revisit though. The game has a heavy emphasis on exploration and whilst there is a way to get the good ending without doing that it very much feels like you are going against how the game is meant to be played. If you like exploration in your 2D Sonic games then by all means give this one a go.

A fun little Mario romp. As per usual the platforming is the real challenge with most of the bosses being a pushover. A rather unique experience with some level themes that only make an appearance in this game and a non-liner structure to beating worlds.

The additions of Colour and Luigi in this hack are much appreciated and don't take away from the original feel of the game. Making this the definitive version in my eyes.

A fun take on the classic Sonic games. Not only does this bring Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles into one game but it also incorporates beta elements and cut zones making for an interesting change of pace.

My biggest gripe is with Sand Shower Zone as the level leans a bit too hard on bottomless pits and also lacks a boss battle, making it feel a bit below the standard of the other recreated zones as they have better level design and completely original bosses.

Really didn't gel well with this game. I found the combat to be decent but a lot of the stuff outside of that just felt tedious and frustrating.

The Astral Plane was the part of the game that really failed to keep my interest. First of all there are the parts where you just run around large empty areas with the option to hoover up bits of corruption along the way with your Legion, which gets very repetitive very quickly.

Then there are the puzzles which appear occasionally to halt progression. They seem to range from very easy to obtuse as some of them do very little to explain the mechanics of how they work, to the point of feeling like they require blind guesswork.

What doesn't help my feeling of tedium is the fact that every area in the Astral Plane is the same blocky red platforms floating in the void.

A fun game for Mario fans to enjoy. Takes what is available in the original New Super Mario Bros and expands on it with it's own ideas.

It can get a little frustrating in the final world (have wind physics in a 2D platformer ever been all that enjoyable) but apart from that this is a very enjoyable experience.

This is an amazing Kart racer that holds up really well today. It's certainly not an easy one, and there is still lots of extra stuff I can do/unlock still.

The main attraction of this game is World Tour, a campaign mode that mixes standard races with other types of events (like drifting or flying through rings) that can be played single player or with up to 4 Players in a hybrid competitiv/coop mode.

I will probably dip back into this game now and again (to unlock the extra content I need to replay World Tour events at a higher difficulty to get more stars) but for the time being I am done.

A very good remake of a platforming classic. Takes everything that was great about the original and mixes in that Wayforward magic.

Some really tight platforming mixed in with plenty of secrets makes each level really fun to go through. And the cutscenes add some nice flavour to the adventure without over staying their welcome (and even if they do they can easily be skipped).

This game is like a strange fever dream version of the early Simpsons.

I had problems trying to play this game. Enemy attacks are poorly telegraphed which means that the bast way to fight them is to rush in get in a couple hits and rush out, but then even with jump attacks there was still a decent chance of getting hit. As you can imagine this is made worse when you are surrounded.

Maybe this game works better with two or more players but as a single player game I don't think it cuts it.

Klonoa 2: Lunatea’s Veil


I was not expecting this game to hit me as hard as it did.

First of all let's get the easy part out of the way, the gameplay. This game does what every sequel should do and build upon what worked on the original, so if you like the original you will like this too. Although this game does also introduce hoverboard stages, I feel these are a great addition because they build upon the grabbing and throwing mechanics of the main gameplay so that they don't feel too far removed and are infrequent enough to be fun way to break up the main gameplay without detracting from it.

And now the story, this is hard to quantify as it is a very emotional story. The characters are great, with good character growth. There were two moments in particular (an important character moment for one of the side characters and the ending of the game) that honestly had me on the verge of tears.

Do not let this game pass you by, play it on easy if you have to. One of the best stories in gaming.

Honestly not that great of a game. Music, animations and graphics are great, and it looks good in motion. Which is probably what has given it such prestige amongst the fan base.

The gameplay is nothing to write home about, just a series of linear obstacle courses with some sort of harzard chasing you to keep you moving. For the most part it is an easy game, apart from some cheap moments in later stages.

This may ruffle some feathers but it is probably for the best that this hasn't seen a rerelease on any of the various Sonic collections over the years.