Games with 2.5 or less average score that I really enjoy

Not saying ALL of these are perfect 5's, or even that I don't understand why they're looked down on. Generally I completely understand why they're hated trust me, but regardless I'm a big fan of these losers.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow be filtering fellas harder than Sonic already did. I've cleared over 150 endings in this game over 4 different consoles I can't stop.
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
This game leaves a really poor first impression for sure. But idk, if RE is gonna be an insane over the top action series they shouldn't hold back, and this game is absolutely not holding back. I liked them at least bringing zombies back and having a decent horror aesthetic relative to 5.

It absolutely got REALLY stupid no question but I really enjoyed this one's brand of stupid compared to 5. This is the best of action centric RE by a long shot until probably RE4 Remake imo.
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
I was struggling a lot going for 100% in every MMX game a few years ago, mostly in the first 3. Was horrified at the prospect of going into something even huge fans of the original trilogy found to be borderline unplayable.

Ended up being my favorite of the bunch by a wide margin. Idk what to say, I just have a lot of fun in these levels. To the point where I'm even doing challenge runs, which is so completely out of the question for pretty much any other game in the series. I understand this is completely insane to most fans but that's just how my experience with this game was.
Balan Wonderworld
Balan Wonderworld
The designers did a great job at hiding how much fun this game could be. I insist I found a satisfying way to play this one. One of my favorites of this generation.
This game's more fun than Splatoon 3

Genuinely really cool, RIP to anyone trying to make a stylish 3rd person shooter that so much as vaguely looks like Splatoon on the surface.
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Lost World
Both the WiiU and 3DS versions get better with age tbh. Not big on this director's boost games but I really think he did ok here even if it's not ANYBODY'S idea of what Sonic should be. Pretty based honestly, imagine being put in charge of making a Sonic game and you come out with this. Insanity, and it's that exact reason this oddity fits in nicely with the rest of the series, Sonic's not supposed to be stale and predictable.
Resident Evil Resistance
Resident Evil Resistance
Why capcom went out of their way to make sure this game could in no circumstances, not be DOA is beyond me. You only got this with purchase of RE3 Remake, if you try to look this game up on steam it's a hidden result.

As a game I loved it, one player plays the villain setting traps and monsters to try and stop the other players from making it through. This is the ideal online RE game imo and it's a shame it was just sent out to rot by Capcom. Got all achievements a few years back, wonder if at all it's possible to find a lobby still.
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X7
This is more of an honorable mention. Due for a proper revisit to say whether I truly like this game...or if I love Flame Hyenard so much it's blinding me to how bad the rest is. Listen man that boss fills me with a delight so pure, I live for this kinda thing. I've played such long games that have given me less than this fight alone has and for that I have to mention it.

Also x7 > X8 that much I'm certain on.
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
I understand this is a way lower budget game than Jak fans were used to. Never seen a fan NOT immediately wince and say this is trash frame 1. I get it, I hold up the original 2 games as some of the most high quality well made games out there and this just ain't on that level.

Still, it's a competent enough game and plays with core series ideas enough to not feel entirely disconnected despite its pretty wack story. But Jak 3 already made a mess of the story first so can't blame this for not being a return to form on that front.
Crackdown 3
Crackdown 3
Nothing too tremendously special here but as another Crackdown game I really wasn't let down. I guess the marketing had people expecting more than it was, but it scratched the Crackdown itch fine for me. The ubisoft checklist style of open world fits this series alright.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
This is genuinely one of my favorite games. I'm sure I'll write a novel when it comes time for me to finally make a review so I'll try to keep this short...I don't find it's hard to play at all, load times aren't that bad for the era given you download it onto a black model xbox360, and I think the level design is a lot of fun.

I can't pretend to care that a loop killed me in wave ocean 'cuz I entered it wrong 20 heckin years ago. If that happened to me at any point past the first time I understand it's my fault. In that way it's just another obstacle making the game more engaging. This is what P-06 doesn't understand. I don't care how "well made" something is I care whether it's fun and replayable. It's engaging, it controls well, it's fast paced, and it's been used as a launchpad for mediocre youtubers to pump up their numbers for far too long.

Most of the DLC is super cool too.
League of Legends
League of Legends
If I could give each season its own review with its own score I would. A lot of ups and downs, disappointments and excellent moments, most toxic people you'll ever meet as well as genuine life long friends.

I truly believe this is and has always been the most well made MOBA on the market. It's a bit late to get into now, it's just SO much to learn...And it's just a much different game than the one I originally fell in love with. I could ramble about things I don't like about what it's become for hours but yet I can still come back and have a lot of fun with it despite it all.

I'd slay for an oldschool LoL server like Runescape got. It's changed that much.
Earthworm Jim 3D
Earthworm Jim 3D
By far the weakest game on this list imo. A handful of mid levels, a handful of ones that are still enjoyable this long later, all wrapped up in the Banjo style I'm such a sucker for. Just creative and engaging enough to have me thinking positively about it.
ClayFighter 63 1/3
ClayFighter 63 1/3
The combos are surprisingly fun for its time. Earthworm Jim is in this so that's based. Always funny to see older fighters experimenting more with 3D space than new games.

I'm sure it's not technically great, and there do be some uh, unfortunate racial stereotypes in the mix of genuinely fun characters. But as a casual old fighting game I really don't think it's that bad. Probably coulda used more ways to get around blocks though, defensive play can get obnoxious for sure.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Makes me kinda sad how fast the conversation for every game turns into "dead game?"

Dunno man I had a lot of fun here and it's always nice to see some of Nintendo's ideas get a chance to flourish outside of their perfectionist game design.

Doesn't need to be the next big hit to be cool. Anything multiplayer centric is bearing the pressure of needing to succeed and maintain your attention endlessly or else it's ridiculed for being a dead game. I just think it's fun.

Also PSA they DID add voice acting at some point, lotta fellas dropped this before that happened and I still see a lot of people online not know this.
Sonic Free Riders
Sonic Free Riders
Been on a Kinect kick lately. Consistently surprised to find it tends to work a lot better than people give it credit. This game was doomed to fail, it's the three doomed ingredients to make endless "Let's dunk on this" content back in the day.

Sonic - Especially during this time people were NOT kind to this series.

Sonic Riders - Fellas ain't kind to mascot racers that aren't Mario Kart, especially if it's got any kind of learning curve giving off a mixed first impression. Tenfold for releasing on the same day as Sonic 06. This series was already struggling to find its audience on a normal controller let alone the Kinect.

Kinect - Reputation for just being trash and not working in general.

Legitimately doesn't matter how good this game is, it was going to get trashed regardless. I understand it asks a LOT of you physically, but it does work, as do a lot of Kinect games that were never given the time of day. I'm not saying it's flawless but I've been having fun with it.
Dreamworks' Shark Tale
Dreamworks' Shark Tale
One of my favorite movie tie in games. 'Lotta variety and somehow none of it breaks the pace terribly. Fun races, nifty punch-out boss fights, some shark chases, some dancing minigames with great music. Hecc they have a LOT of licensed music here which is surprising given how low budget it probably was.

dunno, what's not to like?
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
I do love bouncing on whale tastebuds I cannot lie
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Small cheat, this game has a 2.6. But good heavens is that so crazy low that I gotta put it here. One of the most engaging action RPG's out there, super satisfying to learn and play.
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
I thought this was a huge step up from the first game in story, map design, and mechanics.
Quest 64
Quest 64
There's something about this extremely basic form of RPG that just feels right to me. The amount of random encounters is pretty spicy but gee I'm a fan.
Mario Party 10
Mario Party 10
The bowser mode is enough for me to say I enjoyed what this game gave. It's absolutely criminal that this mode is actually only a small side mode that was given only 10 minigames. Literally who the hecc cares about the rest? Bowser mode's literally on the box art, utilizes the wiiU gamepad well, and is just so much fun.

As a whole package it is super lame but there's still fun to be had.
Mario Clash
Mario Clash
Not as simple and therefor fast paced as the original Mario Bros. arcade game. But it's incredibly satisfying to get combos once you get used to the 3D perspective.
Red Alarm
Red Alarm
This game is so sick playing on an actual Virtual Boy. One of my favorites on the system. (Which means a lot coming from me I assure you)
An inherently kinda fun concept. Easy to get sucked into. Wish it was easier to get into the same room as a friend tho.
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Immensely satisfying once you learn what the hecc it's asking you to do. Surprising amount of secrets to find too.
Super Smash Flash
Super Smash Flash
ok this actually sucks but it's a 5 in my heart. Also it's got actual character specific break the targets which is more than smash has given since Melee, so that's funny.

Mr. Incredible.


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