While it's a valuable game for historical purposes and innovative for its time, out of the 3 Warcraft RTS games, this ones has aged the least gracefully.
Only being able to control 4 units feels incredibly limiting.
Orcs and Humans being the same in everything but names, models and sounds basically makes every game a mirror match, which eventually gets pretty boring. Pathfinding also felt pretty bad.
On the positive side, the mission briefings are cool. And the graphics have their charm.

I remember really liking this as a kid, but playing it now, it's a pretty bad game.
It uses "Games for Windows Live" which is now offline.
While you can still play the game, you can't save your progress, meaning you either have to finish it in one session or just don't bother. While not a long game (took me 6 and a half hours), this can be pretty tedious.
Even without the aforementioned issue above, the controls feel terrible and the overall platforming which takes up large parts of the game feels terrible as well.
As small positives, the game mimics the art style of the TV series pretty well and the VAs from the original series reprise their roles.
The choice of planets and story, however, leaves a lot to be desired.

A fun Halloween themed RPG with a pretty simplistic turn-based battle system.
While the aforementioned battle system lacks a lot of depth, this is a good game to give to someone younger as their first experience in turn-based RPGs.
The overall presentation of the game was charming and I found the costume collecting to be pretty fun.
The game is also pretty short for an RPG and can be beaten in 7-8 hours.

Like all clicker games, it's a time sink, but I enjoyed my time with it, even though it became boring after some time and I decided to drop it.
If there's one thing to be said about it, the game certainly decided to take a sharp turn and become much more morbid the longer you played it.

A fun clicker to pass the time, but after a while it got boring and I dropped it.
Going with an idle build is better for the early game, but later on you should replace it with a clicker build if you want to progress farther.

The gameplay may be seen as pretty simplistic and controlling 2 separate characters requires some getting used to, but this game shines in a lot of regards.
It has a charming presentation. From the graphics to the overall atmosphere.
For a short game (3-4 hours) it takes you on a journey which seems longer and I don't mean that in a bad way.
The entire story being told through the actions of the characters rather than through dialogue feels like a breath of fresh air and adds a lot to the overall immersion.

Good gameplay, good soundtrack and an interesting concept, which kind of makes Simon's Quest a proto-metroidvania.
Unfortunately its brought down by bad design like the annoying transition between day and night and the general cryptic nature of the game.
If you're gonna play it, I recommend the redacted version as it fixes a large chunck of the issues.

The UI might be outdated and you'll have a few points where you'll have to grind, but this game is really fun.
The graphics are charming, the atmosphere is amongst the best in a video game and while there is a lack of classes, the ones present are fun enough to make you consider replaying it.

A fun Christmas themed stealth game which can be beaten in a little over an hour. While more of a tribute to Cave Story than anything else, I enjoyed playing through it.

A little after the halfway point, the game loses a lot of originality and I felt like it began just throwing vast amounts of enemies at me to pad the game length. The level design also began getting samey.
This was also a relatively short shooter (7-8 hours) so that was unfortunate.
Despite that, the overall presentation is nice, it remains action packed through and through, and blasting waves of enemies, while getting a little monotonous at time is still enjoyable.

Has its good and bad sides.
On one hand, the gameplay is pretty arcady and played in co-op can be pretty fun.
On the other, the levels are considerably bigger than the first game and in the standard Serious Sam style, you have a lot of enemies coming straight at you and those two things combined can make things pretty crazy, fun and frustrating at the same time.
Story is mostly just there (though is amusing) and the graphics have their charm.

Thought this was pretty bad more than a decade ago and I dislike it even more now.
The only positive here is the cover art.
The gameplay is bad, controls are pretty bad, roster is outdated even for the time this came out and match types are incredibly limited.

If you're looking for a game, which looks and plays like an older beat 'em up, this is an ok choice.
The difficulty was inconsistent, but most of the time the levels felt easy to beat, especially the bosses.
The gameplay was pretty basic and the length of the game was pretty short. ( 3 hours)

The game has its good parts. The freedom and multiple ways to go about your days, the unfiltered language, the mindless fun and chaos.
However, the controls felt awkward, the graphics haven't aged well, there isn't a lot of replay value and it's pretty rough around the edges in other areas.
Didn't quite click with me even though there were aspects I enjoyed.


A short (30-40 minutes) free visual novel based on a story by H. P. Lovecraft.
The narration, music and overall presentation were fine.
You don't have much interactivity beyond clicking to progress the story or to get a piece of trivia regarding it.
An overall ok experience.