The game that started it all, not as great as Halo 3 but I think this game is carried beyond nostalgia. People like to rag on how crazy the physics, and sensitivity are in this game. But especially in multiplayer, those things are the debatably unbalanced chaos factor that makes games you can still play on MCC feel like a new, wild ride for survival every time. They don't make multiplayer like this anymore.

That being said, some of the levels feel samey to me and don't even get me started on The Library...But, the actual story itself still pretty compelling. What an amazing fps. Seriously.

I don't really know what to say about this one. Customization and Forge better than ever. Solid story, solid campaign, solid multiplayer. Solid custom games. The warthog splatter slope is an all time fave...really the only unique to Reach custom I played haha.

Tbh I was still playing tons of Halo 3 through most of this games life span. I really enjoyed it, but I think the high of 3 was super strong at that time. Looking back on it though, and occasionally playing it on MCC...Still solid.

Looks pretty, and maybe more balanced? With a solid story, and cool new vehicles. But like...Idk, I am still MADLY salty that the deceived me on what population increases actually met. In reality, the armies were hardly at all larger. That was honestly one of the few improvements I was genuinely looking forward to so. L.

This game was supposed to be the comeback, and it some ways it was. But like...With all the shit they have now, yes it is cool. But it is too little, too late and I don't care anymore.

The campaign rocks though, and in my opinion, CO-OP does breathe so much life into it. Shame they lied about couch co-op though.

Hot take, I actually didn't hate the Chief x Cortana romance they tried emphasizing.

Everything else though, meh. It's fine I suppose.

It's a classic, and I still think The Secret Armory of General Knoxx is both probably one of the best DLC's, and end game loot rewards that has every been brought to this entire franchise...That being said, it is truly a shame it had to be apart of one of the most bare bones installments of this game.

Playing Borderlands 2 and even 3 just makes it so hard to continue coming back to this one...Though admittedly, sometimes I actually do! I dunno if that says more about this game, or MODERN GAMING but, take it for what you will!