One of the greats. I actually got a rare, lucky chance to play this game couch co-op with three buds from college. Was probably one of my favorite couch CO-OP experiences outside of Halo CE and some Lego Star Wars moments.

I dunno, I feel like its fun for one playthrough. Which, considering this is a game that wants you to grind forever. Very miserable time after the main story is finished.

This is the only game I think I've ever played, that EVERYONE in my entire family does not think is a mistake. So, I guess that's gotta be saying something. Bowling tournaments were wonderful. The most excited I ever was being around extended family was playing this game.

I feel like this was the last time a Wii Sports iteration was truly fun. The additions of the wii sword fighting, and basketball of all things have to have generated some of the greatest couch co-op experiences in gaming that I have ever witnessed. That is probably what I will miss about both this, and Wii Sports the most.

Had a bug in this game once, where my friend had the boardwalk monopoly and was about to win the game. Only for him to land on his own property, and have to pay on his own space that bankrupt him and won me the game. Probably the single greatest memory I ever had, and ever will have with monopoly. Something I would have never gotten if I didn't play digital. Thank you Hasboro.

Unlike Minecraft and Skyrim, this is one game I'm genuinely ashamed to say I have played on basically every single console. Never really got super far in it, but I still feel like I wasted my time. The gameplay is admittedly fun, but the grind is unbearable.

Surprisingly really fun when you can get a group of at least 4 or 5 together to play it.

Could be worse for a zombie game, honestly.

Genuinely the greatest game ever made in my mind. It changed my life in so many ways, mostly for the better. Touching the life of myself, many others and the gaming industry as a whole.

Newer installments have improved and polished the core gameplay, yet they could never fully capture the spark that made this game such an icon. I don't think any game could ever capture me on every level story, socially, creatively, competitively, just having fun quite like this game did. It's a miracle it ever existed, and I'll never take my history with this game for granted.

In some ways better than among us, in other ways not so much. I feel like if this game could actually bump it's player count numbers though. That would fix most of the issues with this game.

Best indie game I've ever played. I can't really say anything else that hasn't been said already. Captured my heart, and my sense of adventure with some of the cutest and most disgusting designs I've seen.

Fuck Nightmare King Grimm though.

Everything about this is perfect, conquest mode is the best thing I've ever played now. With all the fun mini game modes, and a surprisingly compelling single player narrative. This game really improved so much about the first one. I was pretty addicted to this game.

This one is weird because I skipped it and somehow didn't know about it at all until years after I played and fell in love with 3. Naturally, it is a big step down. With the challenge feeling frustrating and gameplay way clunkier. However, the narrative experimentation following the Arbiter I think payed off big time, one of my favorite Halo Narratives by far.

This game, like Halo 2 also has one of the best stories in a halo game in my opinion. It also has a tremendously beautiful jazzy and somber soundtrack I still listen to today and the suppressed SMG and Magnum are iconic. The open world attempt was admirable. Besides that though, it's just Halo 3 DLC really, so... Still annoyed I paid 60 dollars for it.