Never played the campaign, which would likely change my score. But the multiplayer was aight.

I'm so shocked they still managed to keep this game alive to today.

The campaign is fine, nothing on red dead levels of fun, complexity or immersion but still cool! Never revisited it since it's first two weeks where I beat the whole thing.

The multiplayer, is really where this game shines in all the wacky support and updates it still gets. Haven't touched it in a while, but damn was it a fun ride.

Legends Of Runeterra turned me into a league lore simp. Anything I can get my hands on, that isn't main game league is pretty great in my opinion. This story does NOT disappoint, I was thoroughly invested from start to finish. Mostly in the stories of Miss Fortune and Illaoi which I think were intentionally at the forefront, but the other characters get good moments too.

Gameplay was surprisingly really fun too!

I still need to finish this one, but it is certainly a very good game!

Honestly, as a massive fan of digital card games I really am embarrassed to say how long it actually took me to get around to playing this one. But I'm so GLAD I did, because damn getting the puzzle pieces and combos together to really sling and deal cards out is soooo satisfying. Love every bit of this game! I just wish there was more.

I really enjoy the gameplay loop for this one, but it's really truly only fun playing friends. I always come back for the new set a little bit, and usually get bored of it EXTREMELY fast.

I was addicted to this when it first came out. Since burnt out, and now incredibly luke warm on it.

I'm slowly working my way through this one, but I wanted to put my thoughts out there that so far I fucking love it!

a Star Wars Metroidvania coming off of my Hollow Knight high sounded like just what I needed. Granted, I don't think it's met every expectation but it was really fun! I still almost 100% completed it, because I just wanted to be in the world and the combat for just that much longer.

Still the best party game every made, fight me on that lmao.

Always fun to go back to, when the mood strikes to really create something it is always immensely satisfying. Like Skyrim I've probably played this on just about everything you can play it on.

This is a rating, as of playing through the entirety of the first of three stories. I got part way into the second one, and really could just not endure the samey-ness of it. But everyone says this is one of the greatest stories ever told so, eventually, I gotta come back to it. It's just idk, I can't be the only one struggling with just how identical the beginning of the second run is right? I absolutely loved the first playthrough of this though.

It's hard to say no, to a free-to-play cross-over between halo and portal. That being said, like most multiplayer games. It's kinda hard to get into without friends, gameplay not addicting enough to just wanna do solo ques of this game.

I legit forgot about this game, till I saw it in my library but I swear it's really good...

I say I love Streetfighter, but this is the only one I've ever invested any time in haha...Hakkan is seriously so great though, how can you resist Turkish oil?