I really enjoy the gameplay loop for this one, but it's really truly only fun playing friends. I always come back for the new set a little bit, and usually get bored of it EXTREMELY fast.

Honestly, as a massive fan of digital card games I really am embarrassed to say how long it actually took me to get around to playing this one. But I'm so GLAD I did, because damn getting the puzzle pieces and combos together to really sling and deal cards out is soooo satisfying. Love every bit of this game! I just wish there was more.

I still need to finish this one, but it is certainly a very good game!

Legends Of Runeterra turned me into a league lore simp. Anything I can get my hands on, that isn't main game league is pretty great in my opinion. This story does NOT disappoint, I was thoroughly invested from start to finish. Mostly in the stories of Miss Fortune and Illaoi which I think were intentionally at the forefront, but the other characters get good moments too.

Gameplay was surprisingly really fun too!

I'm so shocked they still managed to keep this game alive to today.

The campaign is fine, nothing on red dead levels of fun, complexity or immersion but still cool! Never revisited it since it's first two weeks where I beat the whole thing.

The multiplayer, is really where this game shines in all the wacky support and updates it still gets. Haven't touched it in a while, but damn was it a fun ride.

Never played the campaign, which would likely change my score. But the multiplayer was aight.

I binged this campaign in a weekend, the only other thing I did quite literally was eat and sleep when I got this. If I was rating it just on the campaign alone, it would be a 10/10. Can't really say anything else other than that.

Unfortunately, this game also has a multiplayer that they killed so hard so fast. While the originals feels so good, this feels so hollow...so un fun. Which, considering all my friends loved playing the original. This was just an unignorable disappointment.

This game holds up so well, one of rockstars best games without a doubt. With friends, the multiplayer still feels like it has endless opportunities for shooting all kinds of shit, literally and metaphorically. With a single-player campaign that had me hooked for days on end, I could not set it down at any point!

I still need to play the expansions for this one...

Also, Gwent is a masterpiece. Just need to throw that out there, I am that guy who spent way more time on it than was likely intended.

If it wasn't for some weird bugs, no online co-op like the complete saga, and side quests on planets that take you half way across the map making 100% completion of those side quests the most PAINFUL shit in the world. This probably could have truly been the greatest lego game ever made for me.

Such a good game, holy fuck. 100% completed it finally. It genuinely feels like an impossible, grindy as shit task without a friend but man it feels good to say that. Solo is still fun, but CO-OP with the right friend makes this one of the best gaming experiences anyone could ever have.

I really enjoy this card game a lot! Especially playing it in person, but this client can be clunky as all hell and completely unattractive. Not a huge fan, also playing online made me realize that it's not as satisfying beating other players in this game as it is beating your friends over a table.

I feel like solo arena was the best part about this game.

The only thing I did outside of that, was beat some jerks stupid crab deck who I thought was annoying without having bought any cards and beating his ass with a starter deck. So, that was oddly satisfying. I'll thank this game for that!

It maintains it's rep, as one of the most free to play card games. Probably in fierce competition with LOR on that one, but yeah. It's kinda a bit too much like hearthstone for it to really stand out to me though. Also, if you remain fully free to play you probably have to choose like, one or two main classes to stick too so you'll have to decide pretty early on what you are gonna do.

I really used to be a HUGE fan of this one. I finally woke up though, and realized I was paying WAAAAY too much money for like basically no content. This game can feel like a scam sometimes. But if you do get to actually play a deck or two you really like, the game is admittedly insanely fun and addicting.