It's getting better and better. Feels really good in the current state and I can't wait to see what else the future holds for it.

I like this game alot, but after playing Rebirth it does make some already glaring problems stand out more. They do a great 1:1 job pretty much from the original game to this one, but they really pack this game with filler content to justify it being a full game. But i will say once you play and beat this once, skip all the side content, it makes the journey more enjoyable.

Stunning. As many others, i grew up playing FF7 countless times. I love it, and yet they some how managed to bring it to life with current technology. They nailed it better than i could have ever imagined.

Love the current state of this game. Moving on from it rather quickly with other stuff to focus on so did not explore as much of it as I'd like. But it's a fantastic middle ground between how complex PoE is, and how simple Diablo is. If they keep supporting this it could potentially be one of the greatest ARPG's ever.