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The Walking Dead: Season Two
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Doom 3: The Lost Mission
Doom 3: The Lost Mission

Jun 16

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Doom Resurrection

Jun 16

Doom 3
Doom 3

Jun 13

Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 2

Jun 05


Jun 04

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fire asf. the story is pretty meh but the game was fast paced which i liked a lot. i wish we got to see cutscenes of the Marine we’re playing but still really cool that we’re playing a marine. not a lot of bosses but honestly the game felt better that way. and Hell was so fucking cool, they did a great job on it for the DLC.


i don’t really play DLC’s but RoE was great. i love the new guns and enemies. i was expecting a rushed DLC (not sure why) but i was proved wrong and i’m glad. the bosses were actually good. they were creative and fun to go up against. i do wish the final boss was played out differently but overall it was fun. i loved the Erebus missions i thought they were designed great and the atmosphere was good. the guns they introduced were also really fun. i loved the grabber reminded me of Half Life and the double barrel shotgun was really nice to have, probably my favourite gun in the whole franchise. Id did a great job on this. excited to play Lost Missions now.


i know this game gets hate but tbh it’s unnecessary asf. ID did a really good job with Doom 3. the map design is actually really amazing. it wasn’t hard to navigate and was unique in its backtracking missions. the visuals were good too (i know it’s bad in the original but for remastered i fucked with it). the soundtrack could’ve been better tbh, Doom 1/2 had an amazing soundtrack and those games are old asf. the combat was surprisingly good. coming from two fast pace shooters to a slowed down version i thought i’d hate it but honestly liked it a lot. the story was interesting but it kind of felt like there was something missing the whole way through. the bosses are the weakest part of this game. they’re are actually bad. and it sucks because Doom has so many fun bosses but 3 has laughable bosses. i’m going to play the dlcs so i’m not entirely done with the game but the main campaign was awesome.