Exploration adds an extra layer of complexity and depth, level design is fantastic and so are the weapons, the soundtrack is phenomenal, just an instant classic on the Super Nintendo.

Functionally, the game is playable, but it lacks charm and substance. The game also looks really cheap and budget in some parts. For a PSP game like it was supposed to be, it might've been impressive, but for a release on the 3DS, it's underwhelming and boring. The level design is repetitive with cheap deaths, the classic sonic stages from the Genesis Era are 1 by 1 remakes of their original versions which feels extremely lazy. The physics for both characters are fine but aren't put to good use with the bland level design. All in all, a really mediocre game that should be left behind.

After not touching the game for almost ten years, I find the interactions with characters to be not on par with the Wii U version, the combat is incredibly basic easy and so are the puzzles, (except for the ones where it's very poorly telegraphed how you're meant to progress) and while the idea of running around in an open world on the 3DS sounds nice, you'll quickly change your mind because these loading screenings are beyond atrocious, sometimes taking upwards of like 2 minutes. All things considered, this game has no reason to be played in 2024, you should just play the much superior Wii U/Switch versions.

It's a solid game in the style of classic arcade games like Galaga. The color shirts of the Miis you bring with you changes your weapon, each one having a different effect and you can increase said effects for longer range and damage. Pretty fun overall, maybe it could have used and extra world or two.