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4 hrs ago

Quak earned the Years of Service badge

4 hrs ago

Quak is now playing Half-Life

6 hrs ago

Quak shelved Dragon's Dogma
This game has a lot of potential but is just too frustrating at times.
My biggest gripe is that enemies are just so tanky that it's just sad. In a quest you have to defeat a golem, and after like 10 minutes of an Ogre and whittling down its health to 1/10, it gets enraged and jumps at you and with with a janky ass animation grabs you and removes half of your health bar, most of the time killing you, because it's really hard not to get hit because of the janky animations.
Another complaint is that there are not a lot of enemies, in the first 5 hours of playing I must've defeated like 7 cyclopses, and at first it was cool climbing it and poking its eye out, but got boring real quick.
The story is also not really that great.
But at times it can be really fun too. Customizing is really fun, it has a lot of cool armors and weapons. Combat(despite the janky enemies) is fun, with it's mechanics like climbing(it feels really cool climbing a cyclops and poking it's eye out). And it's also really good when your companions actually help you instead of standing still and not doing a thing like in other games.

6 hrs ago

Quak earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

Quak reviewed League of Legends
For a long time I also hated lol, but it is quite a good game, plagued by toxicity, which creates the culture and hatred towards it.

10 days ago

Quak is now playing League of Legends

10 days ago

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