It's surprising how good a game that is completely new is. It's so well optimized too, entire game is like 1-2gb yet the world is basically infinite, with so much bosses and items to obtain

This shit horrified me when I was young, don't

Fam, I played this when I was young, I just, I played a lot but just, didn't like it as much as my adored Lego Batman Owo

Maaan, it gets me so tired, but it's really fun

Played this once in a hamburger restaurant when I was young. Not even kidding, they had a console and that, and was playing while my parents were talking by the table.

Would love to play more of this

Great Memories from this, began playing it VERY early in its development with a bunch of friends.

Had many friends who couldn't stop playing this. Damn, some of them were insane, I wasn't though, so, 2 and a half stars. Another star if I was good :bigbrain:

No, no, not windows edition, please


Playing this while the teacher isn't looking, works every time