So much fun. The mechanics are great, and the skill ceiling is high. Love this game. This is the type of game you just boot up with your friends and then just play while you talk about other bs that is going on in your life. Its just a turn your brain off and just play type of game.

I love this game. Had it recomended to me by some random gamestop employee after I told him that I liked racing games (I had just completed Forza Horizon 1) and wanted something open world racing. The story is great and the ability to control any car is so cool. You could be both the cop and the criminal in a police chase. This game opens up so many posibilities. It was new innovative and awesome. Such a shame that it's basically lost to time.

The gunplay is so smooth and fun, movement feels great. The multiplayer is really enjoyable minus the loot boxes, but it's not Halo.

The Halo charm isn't there, the core identity isn't there. The Promethians are so bullet-spongey and not fun to fight. The story is all over the place, you barely play as the cheif. The guns don't feel like halo guns. It's just not Halo.

The premis was great up until the really weird and not rewarding ending. Super confusing I really wish they tried not to go so meta but still I enjoyed it.

Oh fallout 76 where do I start?

The only reason this game is at a 2.5 for me is the vast improvements that they have made in the past few years, and kudos to that dedicated fanbase that kept the game alive. I'm not sure that I can ever forgive Todd Howard and the rest of Bethesda for the micro transactions they so desperately shoved in our faces. I think that people forget how we looked at Todd before this game (and before the 100000 Skyrim re-releases) as a god of gaming that only produced clunky charming and fun masterpieces.

I remember watching the E3 for this game live and staying up late on school nights to get any new information on Bethesda and their games. I was soooo pumped for this game to drop, I mean who wasn't, they had nukes that you could launch at your friends. I was skeptical of how the no NPC system would work I was sure that It would be fine.

I pre ordered (a physical copy) this god forsaken game, and convinced a few of my friends to do the same so that we could play the betas. They weren't even betas, they didn't change shit from them and the main launch.

It was a dull empty world where all the lore came from holo tapes and terminals. It was a mega grind to get anything in the game, and the whole "players are your NPCs" that Todd so valiantly pushed was BS. If there was mandatory proxy chat this might've worked.

Anyway, I haven't picked it back up but I plan to once I get back from college and have the time to explore their new updates. I really hope to love this game.

Perfect. Delievers on exactly what the game tells you it will. Guns feel powerful and the threat feels real. Environmental storytelling is amazing.


Clunky but the mechanics make the gunfights feel so intense and real. The community also make this game awesome.

I really only play solo editor and zues my own missions then remote control. The scale and realism of situations you can create in insane. I love this game.

Most difficult game I have ever played but my god is it addictive. Also the most realistic feeling shooter I have ever played.


Amazing most thrilling and most addictive game I have ever played. Played all of Covid in online shcool while I was on zoom calls in another tab. Super toxic but thats part of the charm at this point. BRING BACK OLD RECOIL PLEASE FACEPUNCH.

Such a good reboot. What halo should've done.

Had such a hard time getting into it.

My brother discovered that Trillion stud glitch by accident when he was like 6 and I was 7. Stumped me and my parents until I got curious years later and found an obscure youtube video explaining what happened.

Overhated. Very fun. Not quite peak AC but not far away.