I didn't like this remaster as much as the MW2 one. I cant tell you why. its perfectly fine shooter. The Fast Food of Gaming as I like to say. If your looking for a solid five hours or so of shooty bang bang you could do worse!

Solid Bethesda game if you like Bethesda games! Better than Fallout 4!

Game Ruined my life I give it 10 blues in 10 pull outta ten

and earns my highest seal of approval

I loved this game! had some weird difficulty spikes along the way! Might be a skill issue but I figured them all out in about 5-10 tries when I did get stuck. the combat is very fun and frantic. shines best when fighting other mechs! like its just so good! i could gush about it hours for hours. the mech customization is also sick! very in-depth even has rust to make a rusty boy if you want! but TLDR: Good Mech Game one of the better ones in sometime!

cant speak for it at launch but I enjoyed playing this one today!! its super fun lots of choices and fun parkour!!

Its a jack of all trades master of none. I really wanted to like this game. im coming up to finishing this week. but I kinda know my thoughts and feelings now. Its got lot heart in the quests I loved a lot of the side stories and adventures! Some of them are really touching and sweet. But as for the gameplay its really average. both the farm sim and the JRPG are just very boiler plate. When I feel the idea could of been so much more! I really hope they get a shot at a sequel! you could do a lot worse then this for a game! but you also could do a lot better!

Solid Remaster was fun all the way through like original. Graphics feel the same as OG MW2. But I know they aren't that's praise cause it matches my lizard brained nostalgia.

Halo 5 is an interesting game from 343 Industries. While I dont hate it like a lot of the Halo community. I do think the story is kinda weird it tries to do this whole thing where the Master Chief "might be" the bad guy. Which any fan or anyone who enjoys halo will instantly doubt and not like. I think it could of been better overall. As for the Gameplay I would say its pretty solid Halo Action if you dont mind the average story. Its solid and fun enough to carry the game in my opinion.

overall I give it a 4.5 out of 5 you could do a lot worse for a weekend of fun!