The sausages and the egg from this game have better AI than the Alien from Alien Isolation.

Many interesting ideas. All of them terribly executed.

Just a lesser remake of the original.
Requires knowledge of left and right which might confuse some people.

Cute game. Too bad so many people are too dumb to appreciate it.

Spider-man tries to kill you in this.

Just like the first one, this game is very pretty but it doesn't seem like it was intended to be enyojed by anyone.

This game is fun. Just git gud at it scrubs.

Just Wonder Boy with a different name.

It's just pool. Why not play the real thing why play a video game. Like it's fine it's functional enough and does what it's supposed to but why?

Western Commando, and an improvement on every way, except difficulty. This game is practically unplayable after a certain point.