I had a problems with the mechanics and progression, but the game was fun overall

How much weight can you handle?

It is a video game that has aged, but it is entirely fair for when it came out. (Still slow as fuck though)

I never made a review of the game huh

Still one of the best JRPG battle systems to date, I wish the game was more difficult at times. Alchemy is a much better improvement over the first game with added QoL and less RNG. Also no need to walk back and forth between the smithy and atelier.

I like the dynamic of Raze route, even if they aren't that great of characters. Reicher was enjoyable too. Ulrika route kinda sucks, horrible main character and the group dynamic is just mean.

True ending route was certainly something, it fits with the tone of the whole game? Final Boss was a cool fight though. Again I didn't expect a lot of good story out of the game anyway, I just found it amazingly fun to play.

First of all they went back to the way alchemy traits worked pre-Ryza, where instead of stacking the same trait to get it to max, you actually combine certain traits to get a stronger one. This makes alchemy so much more fun, where you have to figure out a route to get the trait combination you want. Especially when you can put as many items in a slot in Ryza as the games allows you to, instead of a set amount of items you can put in.(Which Sophie 2 has again)

Not only are we back to turn based again (which imo fits the best for the series since its focus on items), we have the dynamic front and back-row system that Mana Khemia, E&L and Shallie had, albeit in a different way. It doesn’t have the backrow system L&S or Lulua had, which was a bit too restrictive and automatic to my liking.

Weirdly enough a feature that I didn’t expect they would be bringing back are minigames during gather sections, which was a thing in Mana Khemia? It is a very neat feature of bringing back, which can make some parts of gathering a bit more engaging and reliable if you have the skill. (Though they aren’t very difficult)

Alchemy system is really cool, it starts out a bit weak, but once you get access to catalysts you can spend a long time playing the grid game to get the best outcome you want. It felt actually like a puzzle you had to solve while doing it. Definitely the way I want Atelier alchemy want to be (I can’t stress enough how I am not a big fan of the way Ryza alchemy does things)

The characters were fun, I liked the group dynamics and they all had something to them, even if it can be simple. Battle stuff like the Dual Attacks adds those little touches they have in their dynamic. Like Ryza, the party members take part in the main story, so it gives them room to get more screen time, which is great.

Story isn’t much to write home about, but I guess it works. I usually don’t play these games for the story, so as long as it isn’t annoying I have no complaints.

Sad thing is the game has less unique CGs than previous games, I hope they do it like they used to in the next few games, it can make certain scenes more memorable. (Also good closure to character events)

Anyway, this game added a LOT of quality of life features across the series, has one of the strongest battle system in the series, one of the strongest alchemy in the series once it gets going, has a really good OST and overall REALLY fun to play. So many callbacks and old mechanics from the series that it makes sense it is an anniversary game. (Though I wish it was more like a cross-over than just another Sophie game)

Somehow exceeded my expectations and didn’t disappoint in the slightest. One of my favorite games now and my favorite Atelier game in the series

A game that exists for a good reason

Some shit bosses and whacky RE like exploration, but the rest, especially the combat and vergil fights makes this game stand out

For with how much flack Dark Souls 2 got from the general public, I expected the game to be better to a certain extent. I will admit the first half of the game is pretty cool and handled well.

I find this game just as offensive with amount of shitty bosses and areas the game has. (I think DS1 annoyed me more than 2) These two are close on quality from me, but I definitely prefer what Dark Souls 2 had to offer more.

this is an extremely funny game

Finished Chapter 3, and since the game released with it first I can technically write a review already.

Story and writing is really good and a welcome addition to the series. Gameplay can be fun, I would say I like it more than some others in the series, but the game eventually asks for your time later on. (Which is unfortunate I have to admit)

Anyway, the best part about the game is its writing and visuals, this could definitely end up as one of my favorite atelier stories. I had a thought the other day and realized the series didn't explore interesting concepts that much, with the exception being the Dusk Trilogy! So I will be looking forward how Resna's adventure will unfold!