This game is actually amazing. Story wasn't anything special, but it I like some of the story beats and how it incorporated its story into gameplay quite a few times. Definitely a lot of great moments present, and it is unfortunate that people will write it off.

There were plenty of times where you are powerless in the story, and then on the same map the game exactly makes you feel the same way. Something we have been missing in Fire Emblem since arguably Thracia?

The game goes back to the GBA days and make supports very quick and simple, meaning after a map you don't have to spend a long time reading all of the supports. Not to say the characters are hot garbage, there are definitely good ones even with the change of length in them.

I played the game on Maddening and the gameplay itself is REALLY player phase heavy, which is awesome because that means you spend time more strategizing which is very welcomed for a strategy game. Generally the maps have a very consistently alright to good quality (with some really cool ones). Paralogues are definitely the maps with the lowest quality, but I'd argue you could blame the respective games for its quality. (on Maddening they are NEAR identical to the source material)

I had fun, only issue are the hit rate getting pretty shake late game and it gets kinda annoying when using the turnwheel doesn't even reset RN. It takes the FE12 H3 endgame approach where you want to fucking finish every late game map as fast as possible and the Thracia approach of using your entire arsenal to deal with every problem. Which I think is a fine thing at least, but a kinda annoying while dealing with hit rates.

My other complaint is that the UI has been a downgrade compared to its predecessors, a lot of design choices baffles me and it shouldn't be this hard just to look at a might of a weapon.

An insane amount of tools that the game gives you, story that works with the game, pretty good fanservice for older fans, amazing animations, beautiful looking world. A lot of steps forward, I am very content with this game. Definitely a favorite in the series for me.

Just did a replay immediately after finishing my playthrough. The game is super fun.

Glad that more scores and reviews came in from people that actually played and finished the game. And not just review bombers or people who played like 10 minutes of the game.

We must appreciate the fact that the world allowed us to exist.

People who think Agnea's story is the worst thing ever are joyless

Lloyd Bannings is such a bad fucking character and it's only upsetting because I can't even like Zero the same way I used to largely because of it

Love to make a character entirely about "I overcome the odds" and "I have a mystery backstory" only to have that mystery backstory be the worst written thing you've ever seen

I just watched someone play CS1 after being immensely disappointed by Azure and they immediately lost their mind over Class VII having like
Actual growth and conflict and any writing whatsoever that isn't "We must overcome the barrier...we must save Crossbell...🙂"

im so toxic cause any time someone livetweets Azure I'm just desperate to see them get to CS1 instead

Kiseki discourse would be a lot simpler if Azure fans just talked about their game like this instead of calling you slurs for thinking it's the worst one

Azure fans when characters are written to have flaws, emotions and struggles like actual human beings

I have quite a few problems with the game but I don't care, it was fun.

And the last stretch was genuinely really awesome, definitely caught me off guard. They didn't had to go this hard

This review was written before the game released

Free thinkers when their review is "That, I can't deny".

I am one of them

Shilled it to literally anyone and they all liked it. (You came here because of my plan didn't you?)

The first gacha to not reach its milestone

Cleric!Athena moves up so that she can rescue Draco!Minerva, Draco!Minerva proceeds to move to Maria to recruit her and give her the one use rescue she had in her inventory. Next Maria rescues Julian (who has a forged Elfire tome called SpitElfire) and proceeds to recruit Lena and give her the tome. Lena then attacks and exactly one-rounds Elice with the new tome she's got.

Feena now dances for Cleric!Athena so that she can rescue Marth. Paladin!Dice proceeds to move forward and one-shot Nyna with Gradivus. Marth finally attacks Medeus with his Falchion.

Capped level Bishop!Arran will then use his again staff on Lena so she can move once more and heal Marth with the Recover staff. Capped level Sorcerer!Beck takes the one use Again staff from Arran so that Marth can act again.

Horseman!Caesar uses the map save point and resets the game until Marth gets a critical hit on Medeus.

Finally, Sage!Radd grabs the Rescue staff from Athena and ends his turn. Sage!FeMU then grabs the last another one use Again staff from Arran so that Sage!Radd gets to act again.

Radd moves forwards and then proceeds to Rescue Berserker!Roshea close enough that he can reach Medues. Berserker!Roshea then gets the final hit on Medeus and wins the map.

Thank you for playing Lunatic Reverse!

Consumed too many truth vs fiction like themes nowadays it must be fated after all.

Interesting themes in terms of the world, my only qualms is that the villain has an important connection to a character who pretty much got focused on a bit too late into the story. (And even then they didnt get the focus THAT much)

Good story though!

I've just realized, I don't even like having fun. Like not really, fun is sorta overrated when you get down and dirty and you really stop thinking about it. Who even honestly likes having fun certainly not I, certainly not the people who have designed this game.

I see what their mentality was here, they thought giving you encounters with enemies that could inflict lethal status ailments with no way to resist it on top of esuna being able to miss a good way to piss you off. You know what, they were dead on and honestly that is the BEST thing about this game.

Normally when I play a game. I intend to have fun. And in a way that is kinda boring right? Like you EXPECT games to be fun. And I REALLY see what they were doing here, you know what they said? Lets put an encounter with SIX enemies that are able to confuse you and kill your whole party and you are gonna LIKE IT!

You really have to respect that, because they had the fucking balls to go against the wave. They said FUCK all of that fun bullshit. And the geniuses behind this masterpiece game design, I say thank you.

This hack is certainly something. My problem with a lot of hacks is that they play really similar to each other. The amount of times where it is just Sacred Stones 2, with the same kind of Skill sets and not so interesting unit variety.

I will tell you, this hack plays NOTHING like any FE game or hack. At first glance you can already tell that the growths are extremely high in this hack, but would you believe me that Weapons are the most important thing? Even with the growths nearing 80+ or even above 100%, you can complete this game on 0% growths. This game just rewards good plays because it gives you so many useful units, REALLY good tools (Galeforce Swordmasters? Two mounted dancers?)

Intended difficulty is Lunatic Reverse, so the game is made with challenge in mind. Map design is smart with some really good music choices as well. One of the very few FE games that is Player Phase focused as well. Once again, the game gives you so many amazing tools that mostly rewards you if you play your own turn right.

I don't want to go too much in the story other that it is really well crafted. Only one route is finished for now and support conversations still have yet to be added. Once again, I really recommend it if you like the series in general. The game is just so good and I am already replaying it again.

The game isn't anything special but it is so damn simple fun and addicting. As a remake? It is an insane huge improvement over the original, so many great QoL changes across the board and the cute chibi style fits.

The game is just an excellent remake that keeps the charms and quirks of the original. I am satisfied with the quality of a side-project like this. Given that the engine is made, Elie probably take a lesser amount of time if they start on it. Can't wait for more.

In the original, I had a very hard time figuring out what to do and how to unlock the events in the game. In the Remake they added mini objectives, being able to check how to exactly trigger characters events and has an agenda that shows the general events in a year.

Walking in the overworld is such a big boon, you can now freely choose the items you gather in given areas instead of relying on randomness. It is easier to track when an item is available to gather too. It made everything so much easier for me aside from a few weird exceptions.