Overall a very solid PS2 JRPG and Tales of entry, yet I still feel it doesn't reach the kind of brilliance that would make it completely outstanding. The game feels like it drags on a bit, with you having to visit the same 5 locations every time you need to make the plot advance. I'd say the highlight is near the midway point, where Luke as a character really starts to shine. However, his character direction seemed a bit aimless nearing the finish line.

As I mentioned, it does start to get repetitive and along the same lines, whether it concerns themes or tone.

Certain story events like death of certain characters seem glossed over or with little to no reaction, and certain heinous actions like betrayal are easily forgiven and set aside. The party also doesn't take much accountability in apologizing to Luke.

I do appreciate its attempt to tell a more mature and darked themed story, surely beyond its commercial age rating: dealing with trauma, suicidal tendencies, and mass genocide.

I really liked Karma's accoustic version as a battle theme and wish we got to see more of it.

PLAY JUDE SIDE. If you're reading this, please play Jude side or you'll miss out the climax of the character arcs of some side characters (in exchange for some tidbits of lore).

I quite enjoyed the dating sim aspect, bu the real-time mode is disappointingly simple and doesn't earn my commitment.

In spite of its glaring flaws, it manages to wrap things up quite nicely and leave a very pleasant aftertaste.

so far it's really boring. can't belive they haven't ditched the RPS system yet either.

the fact that you need to replay the game for "the best ending" which is one/two additional very small scenes is pretty insane.
good story if you don't find it implausible that everything just conveniently fits neatly together. I really liked how it utilized the DS system in creative ways, but the interactive point and click system was a bit obtuse, and disappointing in how it enforces its checkpoints; i.e. you can't do things out of order otherwise the game won't recognize it most of the time.

the game has a clear ending and satisfying revelations but it somehow feels it lacks a conclusion.

art imitates art, the lead-up to the final climax and how it relates to the previous game was genius.

the gameplay system carries the game by itself. once you drop any expectations you might have for the story, it becomes an enjoyable comedy.

pretty hard to get into: it instantly swarms you with new units who get along like you've been playing for 20 hours, location names and exposition dialogue. when you're starting a new story, it's best to keep it simple and gradually amp it up.

looks bad, plays bad. it's boring.

another hit and miss. incredibly difficult early on and just not fun to play.

can't stand the new "ye olde english" translation. overworld is boring, confusing, and there's an encounter every 2 steps. least favorite DQ by far

actually trash very poorly executed and poor game design. not fun

It's okay. You don't learn much more about Leliana. It just had the potential to be something much, much better.

When I originally played DA:O over 10 years ago, I always lamented the fact I didn't get to play this DLC. Maybe I'd have enjoyed it more back then, as Leliana always had a special place in my heart.