I really cannot give a review on Halo. It's literally Halo, what is there to say? Debatably the best game you'll ever play, it's the one game I cannot find a single fault in. I'm a sucker for the Master Chief, quite the honorable male partner in life I must say.

Story mode leaves much to be desired, however the online aspect of the game makes up for it. You are left with tons of levels and environments to battle through with your created characters, alongside your buddies. The hub world offers tons of expansive content, from a wide variety of clothing for your avatars to wear, to lurking in hang out centers with other players. Gameplay during battles can feel a bit bare, however this can be combatted as your characters gain experience points, allowing them to acquire new weapons and moves, that can all spice up the gameplay a bit.

Taking a basic concept and making it fun is what makes all good puzzle games! This game is no exception. Roll Away, or Kula World, is an addicting game that pushes a simple concept into a fun game. Featuring different balls and environments to play from, fun objects to collect along the way of finishing puzzles to acquire a better score, and even fun two-player modes. Roll Away is a top-notch arcade puzzle game, that has a "flash game" feel to it.

Addicting racing game. Lacking in content, sure, but hits all the right marks for me to never put it down. Colorful environments, great dynamic lighting, fun unlockables, and wonderful music make this a solid experience for your Saturn. Very fun for speed running too, due to its short length!