7 reviews liked by RealChuckLorris

this game delivers in returning you to the wonder and delight you felt as a child, if you were a child who took regular heroic doses of acid

I was not oki doki after playing Doki doki, I’m gonna take a smoki doki because I played Doki Doki. Although I was Lowki Doki pretty impressed by Doki Doki.

Also I’m glad Doki Doki is free because I’m broki doki.

Imagine playig 2 player morrowind, you talk to the NPC who needs a fish. He says "its outside the city gate, follow the dirt path heading east and at the fork towards the south will be a river, down the river youll find a crashed boat, there you will find my fish". alright ill get the fish for you. you go outside the gate. where the fuck is the dirt path, then you get ganked by 3 alien ants and respawn across the map.

"Life is brilliant
it enchants us, to the point of obssession
Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flash and mind
One man lost his own body, but lingered on as a head
Others chase the charms of love, however elusive
what is it that drives you?
Once, the lord of light banished dark, and all that stemed from humanity
And man assumed a fleeting form
Those are the root of our world
Man are props on stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite
A lie will remain a lie
Young Hollow, knowing this, do you desire peace?"

Honestly, this game is really special. As we all know very buggy at first and then I'm also not a fan of FPS story games but yet here we are. It truly is very immersive and you just kinda feel at home in Night City. The world is open for you to do whatever you want to. It is Night City after all. Even though the questlines sometimes are pretty long and tedious, you feel conntected to the characters in V's life. It makes sense to fight for them and everything. Loved it.

There is just way too much filler/slop between the actual fun parts of the game (Boss combat). The story, and characters just aren't interesting enough to justify it.

I'm sure I'll come back a re-evaluate this later.

I think it was fine! Good in some places, great in a few! I'm not sure if anything in the game ever surpassed those first couple of hours from the demo.

There's some amazing set pieces that I'd be hype as fuck for in Kingdom Hearts or something, but felt a little TOO intense for everything else that was going on in XVI.

I really loved the combat at the start, but by the end you never have to engage with any of the cool mechanics any more like juggling, and it's just Zantetsuken into Diamond Dust into Gigaflare, Raging Fist counter, repeat.
It's weird that there's zero difference between spells or Eikon elements. It sucks that the core actions never change after the first couple of hours. The enemies are dumb as bricks, and some more mages to mix things up is sorely needed.

The pacing with the sidequests totally sucked throughout but really killed the momentum at some key moments; especially right before the final story quest.

Some of the core cast is great, most of the baddies are good (except the main one...), many others have no personality (Jill is a real disappointment, even in her big moments).

I thought I'd be totally buzzing for New Game+, but that makes you slog through a lot of stuff I hoped I'd be able to skip, and the combat is just super spongey.

Yeah! I dunno. For all the seriousness of most of it, the last hour or so is just a Kingdom Hearts ending.

BUT, big fan of Gav, so swings and roundabouts.