If you say you enjoyed the versions of this that don't have Link you can't be trusted.

-Peter what are you doing?
-playing vampire survivors
-What The Fuck!


The idea is funny and then you play it for more than 5 minutes. Refunded that shit.

The first entry I've played and finished the story mode of. The other WarioWare games I tried were the one on Wii and the first Switch one. I can't say I'm a fan as it's just mini-games but it's very polished and from what I played of the challenge mode, it was fun.

Peter Griffen and Snake in one pass is wild, but the movement being like THAT early on soured the experience. This is at least better than OG, a dumpster fire of a season and upsetting to play.

cried over the Wii Rainbow Road remix its a 10

bonnie is a camping bitch i hate boonie i hate bonnie i hate bonnie i hate bonnie i hate bonnie i hate bonnie

Eye candy graphics and weapons were very good even though I didn't even unlock the most fun weapons. Will come back when the DLC drops.


man this was a sleeper i barely cared to finish this

While I do love Resident Evil as a series, I can't say this game is one I will talk about as one of the best. Resident Evil 0 is very much like Resident Evil (remake) so it has the best things like the atmosphere, the music (this game has the most catchy Save Room theme), the voice acting being cheesy but also cool, great looking graphics for the time (I adore the pre-rendered backgrounds), the locations being interesting, and great looking enemies/ bosses.

However, this game has the problems of being pre-RE4 and the most obvious Modern RE. My biggest problem was the saves just fucking me over sometimes, I did a lot more trial and error than I thought. Some enemy encounters were annoying because the game feels so limited in what it gives you for ammo in the Training Facility but after that, it felt ok. My second biggest issue was puzzles just being quite difficult or tedious to do.

The first RE game also had this issue and for both games, I would check a guide sometimes because I felt like such an idiot, can't say I felt this for RE2R, RE3R, RE4/RE4R, RE7, or RE8 when I would only look up super optional stuff.

I would still say this game is worth a play, not the worst by far but not the cream of the crop. RE0 gets like a 7/10 from me.