An insult to the Resident Evil series. It's incredibly painful to playthrough as the controls feel like shit, and most of the areas are forgettable and bland looking. Most enemies are just repeated from RE4 and not in a charming or interesting way. Terrible boss in 5-2 that is unbeatable on PC, unless you use a Rocket Launcher to 1 hit KO it. Final Boss is just a slog, you wouldn't normally get how to finish it but I looked it up and I beat it first try after learning the trick. Had ammo problems multiple times, never had this with any previous Resident Evil game I played
For characters: Chris is whatever, Jill is a nothing character in this game and feels wasted for one boss, Sheva is annoying, and Albert Wesker is one of the most overhyped characters I've ever seen in Capcom history, he should have stayed dead in Resident Evil 1. So upsetting because this is the game right after Resident Evil 4 and the most likely to get remade next.

wow, like just wow. Im just shocked. that was so good. so so good

Holy fuck we are gaming now. I loved the gameplay, I liked playing both Nero and Dante. It was just good.

buy when Capcom does a monthly sale


its not dogwater i was just uncultured

I can not actually believe I can say I'm a fan, I thought the annoying fans would have ruined the game for me but I was so so so so wrong.

I don't know what to say, I loved it.

The Isaac skin in Fortnite and the Remake coming out with critical praise got me very interested in playing the OG dead space as I've recently been interested in horror games because of Resident Evil. The remake is probs also very good but it's far too expensive, especially in Australian dollars. I got this game on sale for like $5, what a steal, compared to the $90 remake that only had one sale that made it $70.

Anyways for the game itself, aged great but I would like to replay it on hard next time (or play the remake on hard). because it was a little bit easy with how broken freezing, and then slicing enemies is. This is probs the only EA series I will care about (apart from PVZ but that was a buyout).

Please play this game for yourself and form your opinion, 10/11 hours of a campaign is the sweet spot for me when it comes to games. Great game.

fuck man this shit is like the end of eva for the Xenoblade series