Jackspecteye is in this game and its funny af

Great April fools game. Most soulful thing to do compared to other companies.

What were they smoking making this ome

Played on normal for both action and riddles. I got the LEAVE ending, and watched the rest on youtube. Still an amazing game.

Unfortunately, this game is held back by graphical issues, bugs, glitches, poor frame rate issues, pop-in, and so much more. It is an understatement to say it has problems.

Apart from that the OST, the best way to handle raising competitive pokemon, fun multiplayer that I've been dreaming of for years, cool new Pokemon, and a story worth telling push this game high.

The ending of the game has a fantastic area and a song done by Toby Fox that has to be a top 5 pokemon battle themes. A top 1 ending for a Pokemon game imo.

Wait for patches if you consider buying.


i def will work on reviewing properly all the RE games now that i finished this

Sonic Adventure 2 I believe is a good game but it has issues that can be so off-putting.

I will quickly mention this, the Steam port is rubbish unless you plan on using mods to fix issues. Issues include tying the games speed to HZ (meaning your 144hz monitor will play the game at 2 times the speed, you fix the game by going to your PC settings and changing the HZ to 60hz), full screen crashing the game, and the game randomly freezes.

Sonic/Shadow stages are usually pretty good and the most fun in the game even though Shadow should have had more stages. Tails/Eggman stages usually drag on for too long, but Eggman stages I enjoyed slightly more because they have better enemy placements. Rogue and Knuckles stages are great early on but they get so bad after like the first two ones for each of them, Rogues last stage took me 20 minutes to finish as the radar is an ass to use.

The final act is so very very unenjoyable, only good part of it is when it's over and you get to do the final two bosses.

Overall, I understand why a lot of people like this game (especially with mods) but maybe this isn't my cup of tea unless I go out of the way to mod all the cool things the community probably has made.

Still one of the better Sonic games.

It's unironically the peak of smash bros moddding.

I liked the game but something felt off. I can see how people said its not finished.

Dang Luigis Mansion shamelessly copied this smh