I'm glad this happened, we got Rayman Legends out of it.

Incredible amount of fun, way better than Origins, prob my favorite 2D platformer ever.

What a great game with even better soundtrack.

Yeah this is boring as hell minigames (bad minigames) compilation + site doesn't have a DS version -_--

Idk if it's better than the first one, still bad minigames

Boring and simple as hell kids game, works on kids tho so that's a +

Boring and simple as hell kids game, works on kids tho so that's a +

This is awful. Even besides the point of it being a "kids" game - it's such an awful kart racer. Lacklustre as hell. Every track in the game feels the same. Powerups are mostly useless, pacing is awful. Game got DLC TRACKS that feel and play like any other track in the game.

Perfectly fine 3D platformer that is quite good tie-in. This is way better game than the Heavy Iron version. Dash mechanic is quite fucked and 100%-ing is tedious as hell. Dreams themed levels are the GOAT though.

Perfectly fine GBA platformer. The "true" vision of Rayman Raving Rabbids - and I kinda dig it.

Great, absolutely great party game. Especially on the Wii (PC port sucks ass). I'd say it's the best in RRR franchise.


I'd die for Minecraft. Can't even express how much it means to me and how much I love it. It has special place in my heart and it will never leave it.

This game could've been something else. You can see the passion and actual ideas for a big game. Especially looking at the main hub/dojo area. But in the end it just doesn't work, everything here is flat.
First of all, all of the turtles feel exactly the same to play as. Yeah sure, they different special movies, but they all do the same pretty much (?). Maybe I'm just too dumb to notice the differences. Whole game is a mindless, literally mindless button mashing. Not even a satisfying one, well animated for sure, it gives you joy for the first hour or so, but then it gets extremely repetitive and boring. In 4th chapter (last chapter) I was rushing through fights, not even attempting most of them. It just wasn't worth my time. All of the enemies that you encounter in the game, are exactly the same. The only difference being their health and damage. Best tactic? Spam the attack button and that's all. There is paring system in the game, but you don't even need to use it for most of it. There is also huge skill tree for every turtle, that is so unnecessary and uninspired that it's not even worth thinking about.
Game is ~4 hours long, 4 missions long. Every single level has a boss, but every boss except for one is just an "special enemy" that works exactly the same as the rest of enemies but it has a ton of hp.
Whole soundtrack is just couple of 20s loops that don't even sound special, they're just unharmful.
I'm not a big fan of a Turtles design, but the game looks pretty decent for 2013 I'd say, except for the lighting which is horrible.
At top of all of that, game is just horribly glitched. I fell through the floor, wall countless of times. Camera is just pain in the ass.

Really good and satisfying beat em up.
Visually it's honestly quite amazing.
Motorbike sections are kinda annoying after few times, but they aren't half bad.