Absolute peak of human humor evolution.
It's more than just a point and click game, it's an experience.
Even though gameplay is 100% rng guessing and clicking random objects until you trigger the right cutscene, it's rewarding seeing all of the animations and scenarios possible.
Sosowski is a genius and misunderstood artist.
I love McPixel

Kao the Kangaroo Round 2 is a perfect B tier platformer.
Kao is adorable, level design and enemy designs are creative and colorful. Whole experience is as wholesome as it gets.
Platforming is really solid and well paced.
Combat even though ultra simple - it's fun! Especially throwing boomerangs. It doesn't take away from the mainly platforming focused game.
What has to be said is that it feels A LOT like Rayman 2. And by a lot I really mean it.

It's just a DLC to 2nd Kao.
Games are pretty much the same visually and mechanically - but that's far from a bad thing! Kao 3 is still a perfectly fine platformer with fun combat, just a bit short. Actually maybe way too short.
Glider/parachute is a great new addition, same with dynamite.

If I could I'd give give it a 0 stars. It shouldn't be even called a video game. IT PRETENDS to be Original NES Popeye's game remake, but it fails a it at every single level.


Gameplay loop is so simple that it gets repetitive even before you play it.
It feels like a fanmade game created by a 4 year old with brain trepanation.


By the standards of 2000's movie tie-in games you would expect at least decent fun with simple yet satisfying platforming or fighting in a beat'em up style. Bolt tries to do both and fails at it.

The game plot doesn't follow the movie's plot, which is for the batter. Game entirely takes place in a Bolt's TV Show, exciting, right? Dog with super powers and stuff.
Platforming and puzzles are pretty much not existing for most of the game, they only appear in last hour of it (which is still 20% of the game since it's around 5 hours long). And when they actually appear, they quite fun.
What is here for the entire game though is fighting. It's way too simple and unsatisfying, after 2 hours of the same combat all over again you just gonna try to skip as much of it as you can. It would be way better if you could actually use Bolt's super powers without relying on some stupid power bar. I've literally used a cheat code for unlimited power half way through the game and my experience was way better, still ultra boring and repetitive though.

Collectables aren't fun, they all are either health/power upgrades or "minigames" to unlock. "Minigames" are literally the hacking sections, which they are fun in the main game, I'd never touched them outside of it. 100% ain't rewarding or fun at all.

Overall, surprisingly BAD tie-in, and by bad I mean not even B tier fun. So much potential, so little done about it.

Completion (100%) status:
All health, power upgrades collected
All minigames unlocked

Megamind Ultimate Showdown is surprisingly fun experience.
I'll say it right now, it's not a good game. It's extremely short (like 3 hours?), collectables are impossible to miss, you can't die in the game, it's ultra easy. Combat is literally one button spam (it's kinda satisfying though). There are no real puzzles in the game, just parodies of puzzles. You don't even choose when you want to use what weapon, game forces you to use specific weapon at specific moment in the game. Minigames are really meh.

What I'm truly surprised about is richness of the world. Game is a sequel to Megamind, so we are the good guys. We're facing new Megamind's villains - and literally all of them are really well designed, unique and quite fun to think about, look at.

It gives you a decent amount of fun, what works, really works.
Minigames especially are absolutely great in that one. I'm glad we all move separately again.

Amount of maps though... that's literally disgusting. How am I paying $60 for a MARIO PARTY game and I've like 4 boards to play on? ONE OF THE BOARDS ISN'T EVEN PLAYABLE AND IS A COMPLETE PIECE OF DOG'S CRAP GIMMICK.
Character roster is also really meh, bland.

Donut County is a great experience that I've truly loved.

Usually, I'm not a big fan of games stylized for these "quirky teenagers" kind of stuff but here it just works. It's funny and charming. "Story" if you can even call it that, is the most absurd thing I witnessed in a while. Humor, especially from BK is great. Visuals, even though ultra simple, they are adorable. Soundtrack is absolutely stellar when it comes to Lofi, and indie vibes.

Woah so good, why only 3 stars? Yeah, Donut County is way more of an experience than a game. Don't get me wrong, gameplay loop, controlling that hole is ultra satisfying spin of Katamari. But with so much potential behind it, it doesn't do much for most of the game. "Puzzles" are not existent, most of them you are able to figure out in less than 30 seconds. They are way too simple to even be called Puzzles really.

As I said, it's wasted potential for MOST OF THE GAME. Donut County from good, and relaxing, becomes absolutely amazing in the last 3 levels (last act really), it's suddenly creative, "open level-ish", there is a boss fight, and actual gameplay. If the whole game was like that, it'd be the easiest 5/5 stars ever, but sadly it is not. It's worth mentioning that the game is ultra short, it takes 2 hours casually to beat and see pretty much everything.

I'd recommend it to everyone, it's great time, an afternoon well spend.

I'm way too hurt to even give this game a real rating.

I will NEVER forget how the internet looked like when alpha for this dropped, I've spent way too many hours in it, waiting for every news, update. Calling it even "New Minecraft" at one point.
This, Cube World, is a perfect example of reality and disappointment coming from it. We were born in the wrong timeline, this could've been something incredible.

A really boring clicker without cool mechanics!
It even sounds and looks boring even though there are boobas.

Even though I like this type of humor, the setting and art direction are great - it's such a terrible game.

Not even kidding when I say it's probably one of the most unsatisfying, boring FPS I've touched in years.

All things considered, this is actually a really bad picross game.

Of course, we need to remember that it was released on SNES. Butttttttt it just didn't age well.
It lacks most of quality of life features.

I like the whole "theme" of archeology, but it gets boring really quickly, it's literally the only thing there is.
There is a couple of tracks in the game, all of them are okay, but once again they are way too short of a loop to not go insane after a while.
Why exactly is it MARIO's picross? There is no nintendo/gaming/mario related puzzles, they all are just random which is really wasted opportunity.

Oh god this is so boring. No it is not "BOTW but Anime", it's so fucking barebones, mindless, dungeons are empty and all the same.
The only people that actually love it are either extreme anime fans or gamer girls. Or both.
It at least looks really nice, I guess?

I'd say it still is the weakest out of new trilogy.
It's far from bad, I'd even say it's great but there are so many things that just don't feel right.

Let's start with the roster - I love it. New redesigns of characters we know and love are great.

New characters though? Hit or miss.
I'm a fan of Ferra/Torr (Just for how fucking stupid it is), Erron Black quickly became one of my all time favorites, Kotal Khan is a great addition, D'vorah is extremely annoying and I'd love her to not exist at all. But she is unique.

Kombat kids though? I still don't feel them. Even though Takeda has a really interesting idea for himself, he is just plain and boring story wise. Cassie and Jacqui are just "the daughters" and Kung Jin is so unlikeable.

I really like the plot, for most part. Scorpion's story arc is probably my favorite in the entire franchise. I don't even mind a lot of the characters being a "background" ones like Tanya and Rain. Shinnok is a pretty MEH villain, he doesn't feel nearly as intimidating as Shao Khan, even though he should be twice as much. Also, giving final battle to a newcomer that is Cage's and Blade's daughter? Damn that's fucking awful and I'll never grow to like that decision what so ever.

Really good addition, solid gameplay, absolutely boring and even cringe compilation-worthy fatalities. You could've done so much with Predator, but they feel like any "tech guy" could pull them off.