Watermelons was my favorite fruit, a shame I had to put them down

dick got chopped off, not a memorable experience

Played as that one dude with the guns I forgot his name, Slayer or slade or something cringe

I love it when i feed my goat battery acid and they absolutely destroy my loved ones and my town

Gatekeeped by the hispanic community totally

I remember playing this game and being confused because there wasn't a crosshair

Many people say this game was their favorite but I just didn't find the appeal for it

I loved this game, The open world and art design and the fun story and cute little enemies everything felt so peaceful and fun. Absolutely amazing platformer and you should try it whenever you have the chance

George if your reading this I remember your ewok moments

One hell of a game and a very fun one with a interesting story, Although I never did get around to finishing this game it felt so surreal

Amazing game, I played through it alot in my free time and I have always enjoyed the single player story mode with the cutscenes and some of the story mode is even better than the show itself In my opinion

Insert that one evo moment with daigo